Unicamp will host the 8th International Solid Mechanics Symposium

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The Unicamp Convention Center will host, between the 17th and 19th of October, the eighth edition of the International Symposium on Solid Mechanics – Mecsol 2022. The most important scientific event in the sector in the country, the biannual symposium is promoted by the Brazilian Association of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (ABCM) and features lectures, conferences and discussions on the main innovations and the main challenges faced by academics and professionals in solid mechanics. The symposium is supported by Fapesp, Capes, CNPq and the company Altair.

“We are very happy to bring Mecsol 2022 to Unicamp. Solid Mechanics is one of the major areas of engineering and mechanical sciences. Mecsol is the most traditional congress in the area and, for more than 15 years, it has brought together scientists and industry professionals from Brazil and abroad working in science, applications, technology and innovation in various areas”, evaluate Josué Labaki and Marco Lúcio Bittencourt, professors from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FEM) and event organizers.

The professors emphasize that holding the symposium is a great opportunity to bring together researchers and professionals in the field. “Mecsol has played a fundamental role in consolidating and strengthening collaborations between large research and industrial institutions in the State of São Paulo and also with partners abroad.”

Among the main topics under discussion are: fatigue and failure analysis; composites and structures; elasticity, plasticity, damage and fracture mechanics; viscoelasticity; impact engineering; structural reliability methods and reliability-based design optimization; materials optimization; fluids and structures; numerical methods; non-linear analyses; high performance computing applied to solid mechanics; and applications based on artificial intelligence and neural networks.

Check out the full Mecsol 2022 schedule

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Mecsol 2022 logo; Symposium is an opportunity to bring together researchers and professionals in the field


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