After being held virtually last year due to the pandemic, the 5th edition of the Congress of Projects to Support the Permanence of Undergraduate Students at Unicamp (PAPE-G) will begin this Thursday (20) in an in-person format and will be will continue until the 21st (Friday), with conferences, round tables, presentation of works by fellows and poster exhibitions. The congress has 1500 registrants including professors, researchers, staff, students and student support services professionals.
In this edition, the Congress formed a partnership with a group from Unifesp that holds a meeting of professionals working in student support services, in an event called International Student Support Services Seminar (SISAE). Because of this, in addition to the projects linked to Unicamp's permanence scholarships, the congress received works from professionals who work in universities across the country on student permanence.
The congress will start at 9 am and will feature, in the morning, a conference led by professor Helena Sampaio, from Unicamp, in which experts will debate the 10 years of the Quota Law – which, this year, should be subject to an evaluation in National Congress, which did not happen. Professors Márcia Lima (University of São Paulo), Rosana Heringer (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Dyane Reis (Federal University of Recôncavo Baiano) also participate in this conference.
In the afternoon, starting at 14 pm, a round table will focus on Student Inclusion and Permanence Policies in Latin America, with the participation of teachers from Chile and Peru.
The debate on permanence in view of student diversity, in addition to presentations and poster exhibitions of work carried out by scholarship holders, conclude the Congress activities. One of these works is carried out by scholarship holder Renata Alves, under the guidance of journalist Juliana Franco, who deals with music production at Rádio e TV Unicamp.
According to Juliana, the project aimed to count on the collaboration of students in their final years of Music or Medialogy courses at the Institute of Arts (IA) in music production activities, involving the different programs of Rádio and TV Unicamp.
The collaboration took place in the production of vignettes, sound recording of reports and, mainly, in the organization of playlists for Rádio Unicamp's live programming (streaming), focusing on valuing and promoting the University's composers, singers, instrumentalists and musical groups.
At least three hours of music from Unicamp artists and groups were gathered, which have been broadcast daily on Rádio Unicamp's live programming, at three times: 9 am, 12:30 pm and 18 pm.
The project “Register of Radio Programs of the Executive Secretariat for Communication” will also be presented at Congress, which is guided by the supervisor of the SEC Archive, Maria Cristina Ferraz de Toledo.
SAE/Social Aid scholarship holder João Luis Ronqui Pelatti registered the programs produced by Rádio Unicamp in the SEC Archive registration system. The project should improve the preservation of the Secretariat’s collection.
See the complete list of works to be presented.
The program on the 20th will take place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. On the 21st, in the morning, in the Raízes Auditorium, in the Basic Cycle; in the afternoon, at the Unicamp Multidisciplinary Gymnasium.
The coordinator of the Student Support Service (SAE), Mariana Nery, says that the activities also aim to reflect on the relationship between the staff who work with students. “In fact, the aim is to exchange experiences between professionals from all over the country, to learn about the practices used and to reflect on our own practices. Unicamp is a national reference in student retention, and every year we welcome several institutions to learn about our structure”, she says. The coordinator recalls that Unicamp allocated resources of around R$2022 million to the permanence budget in 101,4. Last year, these investments totaled R$77,5 million.
According to SAE figures, to date, 4.039 students have been supported by the university's social support. Mariana Nery also says that there is a working group, established by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, which studies support policies for students in refuge conditions.
The scholarship program
The scholarship program is an important facet of the student retention and success policy at Unicamp. Social scholarships aim to support retention and contribute to the quality of training for students in their first undergraduate course.
Retention scholarships are offered at the university based on socioeconomic and academic criteria.
There are seven types of scholarship: Social Aid Grant (BAS), Study and Training Aid Grant (BAEF), Student-Artist Grant (BAA), Housing Aid Grant, Installation Aid Grant (BAI), Transport Aid Grant (BAT) ) and Emergency Grant. In addition, there is also the Student Housing Program (PME) and the Food Tax Exemption Benefit (BITA).
Social grants and permanence policies
The 5th Congress of Projects to Support the Permanence of Undergraduate Students at Unicamp (PAPE-G) will be held in conjunction with the II International Seminar on Student Support Services (SISAE) at LAPES/Unifesp.
The joint initiative between Unicamp and Unifesp aims to disseminate and encourage reflection and the construction of knowledge around institutional projects linked to social scholarships and student retention policies.
The event aims to offer an opportunity to improve student training and provide a space for reflection for the training of professionals who work with students from across the country.