The first phase of the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam took place this Sunday (6) without any complications. 56.611 candidates attended, competing for 2.540 places distributed across 69 undergraduate courses. The abstention rate was 8,14%. The test answer key will be published by the Unicamp Permanent Entrance Exam Committee (Comvest) on November 9th and the list of those approved for the second phase on December 3rd.
The exam was administered between 13pm and 18pm in 31 cities in the State of São Paulo and in five capitals outside the State: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Fortaleza and Salvador. The city of Piracicaba (SP) recorded the lowest abstention rate (4,71%).
Comvest coordinator, José Alves de Freitas Neto, points out that the process went smoothly. For the professor, the selection contributes to the appreciation of science in times of denial and brought important contemporary themes to the current context, such as gun ownership, extractivism, Brazilian biomes and transfeminism.
“We have the job of selecting students and we also have the beneficial effect, we believe, that by bringing these themes and these discussions we are legitimizing the school practices provided for in the legislation, in the BNCC [Base Nacional Comum Curricular] and so on. It is a great satisfaction to carry out the first phase, opening the season for entrance exams and major national exams”, he analyzes.
Neto also highlighted the entrance exam's tradition of evaluating students with clear criteria, including scientific knowledge, literary production, mastery of languages, artistic, historical and social knowledge.
Approves (click to access) was composed of 72 multiple-choice questions and assessed candidates' knowledge in the following areas: Portuguese Language and Portuguese-language Literatures, Mathematics, History, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.
According to Comvest's academic coordinator, Márcia Mendonça, in addition to bringing contemporary themes to the questions, the exam explored reading skills, in addition to specific knowledge in each area.
“We strive for a diversity of themes and a diversity of genres explored. We had cartoons, graphics, scientific diagrams, photographs, plastic arts productions, an infinity of genres that are mobilized to explore themes based on school knowledge, since we have a curricular commitment to the high school stage, but we also have a commitment with the immersion of this test with the contemporary scenario”, he points out.
2023 Entrances Exam
Unicamp offers, in addition to the 2.540 places in the Entrance Exam, another 639 via the National High School Exam (Enem), 49 via the Indigenous Entrance Exam and 122 places through the Public Notice for scientific Olympiads and knowledge competitions in specific areas, totaling 3.340 places.
This year, 8.454 students benefited from the registration fee exemption. The second phase will take place on December 11th and 12th, 2022.
Check the Entrance Exam calendar:
Registration and payment of the Registration Fee: Extended until 8/9 (payment until 9/9)
Specific Skills Tests - Music: 19 to 30/9/20221
1st phase: 6/11/2022
Announcement of those approved for the 2nd phase: 3/12/2022
2nd phase: 11 and 12/12/2022
Specific Skills Tests: 4 to 6/1/2023
Announcement of the first call: 6/2/2023
Registration online of the first call: 7, 8 and 9/2/2023
Check out the first phase answer sheet: