The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) decided to cancel a Geography question from the first phase, applied on Sunday 6/11. In this way, all candidates present will receive the point for the question (1 point). Below is the comment on the cancellation:
Subsidence can occur in different materials: karst materials, porous sedimentary rocks (composed of fine sand and silt textures), organic soils and very clayey (expansive) soils. Subsidence is a process that can be reversible or irreversible. Very clayey or organic soils, when contracted, form depressions in the ground during dry periods; In humid periods, with water infiltration, the soil expands.
This cycle of contraction x expansion, presented especially in the second figure, characterizes reversible subsidence, as in alternative B, initially highlighted by the panel.
Subsidence in Maceió is due to other causes and is irreversible. Due to the ambiguity of the statement, Comvest decides to cancel the question and award the point corresponding to the question to all candidates”.