Rachel Meneghello points out progress in the assessment of Graduate Studies

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Unicamp's Graduate Dean, Rachel Meneghello, assesses 2022 as a challenging year, but at the same time one of good results. Against the negative impacts of the pandemic, several actions were carried out. The alteration of the Postgraduate central regulations, defining the possibilities of remote teaching in specific disciplines, was one of them.

In dialogue with other universities, such as USP (University of São Paulo) and Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista), Meneghello emphasizes the formation of Working Groups to assess the impacts of the pandemic, the changes that have recently occurred in the labor market and knowledge scientific knowledge, all with the intention of better equipping the PRPG (Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies) to face contemporary challenges.

The expansion of the ethnic-racial quota system in the more than 80 graduate programs is another initiative that is being carried out in 2022 and will be maintained in 2023.

Meneghello emphasizes the most recent assessment by Capes. After a difficult year, the scores, in relation to the previous evaluation, point to an evolution. More than 80% of Graduate programs had averages of excellence, nationwide.

The "What's new" series is carried out by the Executive Secretariat for Communications (SEC). Every month, there will be new videos with updates on the actions carried out by the Pro-Rectors and General Coordination teams at Unicamp.

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The dean of Postgraduate Studies at Unicamp, Rachel Meneghello, assesses 2022 as a challenging year,


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium