Registration for the third edition of the "Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights Unicamp – Instituto Vladimir Herzog" (PRADH) were extended until February 12, 2023. Created in 2020, the award aims to include works that demonstrate commitment to defending a dignified life for present and future generations.
“The idea is to emphasize and value the commitment of public institutions to this agenda of respect and concern for promoting a dignified life in all its forms of existence”, says the professor Josianne Cerasoli, who is president of the organizing committee of the III PRADH and creator of the project. "The way we understand Human Rights today is very broad. Even the quality of human life affects all other existences on the planet. It’s not just about human beings and other living beings.”
The projects
The award includes academic research carried out in public research institutions in the State of São Paulo in all areas of knowledge, including institutes and universities. To participate in the 2023 edition, the work must have been completed between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. “We focus on research that has already been completed and approved on its academic merit. The recognition that the award wants to make is that this research is committed to the dignity of life”, says Josianne.
At universities, Final Graduation Works (TFG) and Course Completion Works (TCC), undergraduate scientific initiation projects and master's and doctoral works can be registered. Among the São Paulo research institutes covered are the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC), the Biological Institute (IB), the Butantan Institute, the Botany Institute, the Geological Institute, the Zootechnics Institute, the Food Technology Institute (Ital ), the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research (Ipen), the Institute for Technological Research (IPT), the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) , the São Paulo state universities (Unicamp, USP and Unesp), the federal universities (Unifesp, UFSCar and UFABC), the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, the University of Taubaté, the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp), the Faculty of Law of São Bernardo do Campo, the Faculty of Technology (Fatec) and federal institutes that have 36 campuses in the State of São Paulo.
Listen to the article produced by Rádio Unicamp
The III PRADH will award works in five different categories: Exact Sciences, Engineering and Technology; Biological and Health Sciences; Human, Social and Economic Sciences; Arts, Communication and Language; and Education.
The award was born at Unicamp and was established together with the Vladimir Herzog Institute in 2020. “We are very proud of this because the Vladimir Herzog Institute is an organization that plays an important role in defending democracy, human rights and freedom of expression”, says the historian. According to Josianne, the initiative is unprecedented because there is no award in the Western world that has this thematic scope.. There are initiatives aimed at specific areas, such as Engineering, in Australia, or Economics, in Mexico.
Transformative capacity
“When we proposed the project to the Vladimir Herzog Institute, the idea was to really bring together the recognition that the Institute has in the area of human rights in Brazil with what we were proposing as new. For us, it was a great satisfaction when the Institute welcomed the idea with open arms. Today they are enthusiastic about the award”, recalls the teacher.
Josianne identifies in the award a capacity to transform society and the university. “I understand that, in times of misinformation and fanaticism, one of the most important things that the university can do is to show, in what it produces, its commitment and respect for the collective.”
the awardees
The awards event takes place on May 22nd, when the winners will receive the statuettes. The winners will be announced on April 27th and May 10th.
In the first edition, the doctor in production engineering from Unesp-Bauru (Universidade Estadual Paulista) Marcelo WB Furlan Alves was awarded for his work that proposed a global climate justice index based on the understanding and quantification of the double relationship between human development and practices adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. He created a kind of “new HDI [Human Development Index]”: a Climate Justice Index.
Access the link to the Notice to register by the 12th of February.