Unicamp announces those approved in the second call for the 2023 Entrance Exam

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The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the list of candidates em second call for the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam. Candidates should consult the list on the Comvest website (www.comvest.unicamp.br). They are being summoned 991 candidates. All those invited to this call must register remote (not face-to-face), from 9 am on February 14th to 17 pm on February 15th, exclusively online, on the Comvest website, using your registration number, date of birth and the same password used when registering. Candidates called in the first option who do not register online within the defined period will be eliminated from the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam. third call of the Unicamp Entrance Exam will be announced on February 17th.

Candidates selected by the ethnic-racial quota system approved in the second call, who authorized the use of the photograph as part of the validation process by the Investigating Committee and were validated by the panels in the initial stage of the procedure, will receive a e-mail with an indication of its validation and instructions for registration. Candidates who did not authorize, as well as those who need the additional process via Google Meetwill also receive e-mail, guidelines for attending the examination board before enrolling.

Validation of the self-declaration presented by candidates opting for ethnic-racial quotas will only occur after the phenotype assessment carried out by the Commission, with registration being subject to approval by the Investigating Committee, in accordance with resolution GR-074/2020, which established the hetero-identification procedure .

Enrollment in second option

Candidates invited to the course chosen as second option They must register online and, whether or not they choose, wait for a possible place for their first option course (relocation). Second option candidates who do not register online will lose this place (second option), but will continue to compete for the first option course, and may therefore be called up in the next calls, according to the classification criteria.

Freshman 2023

Classes at Unicamp will start on the day March 02, in person and to attend them, students must prove the completion of the vaccination cycle, as per the measure approved by the Chamber of Teaching, Research and Extension of the University Council (Consu) of Unicamp.

The University has prepared a special welcome program for students, on March 02nd and 03rd, which can be consulted via Calourada 2023 website.

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Audio description. Photo: Antonio Scarpinetti. In a classroom, close-up perspective image of a young woman sitting at a school desk with her arm facing the right of the photo, during a written test. She holds a pen in her right hand, and brings the fingertips of her left hand to her lips. Around her, in a blurred image, several other people are also taking the test. The young woman wears glasses and a black t-shirt, and her hair is colored pink. Image 1 of 1


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium