Entries for the Unicamp 2024 entrance exams will begin on July 31, 2023 and must be completed by August 31. The first phase will take place on October 29, 2023, and the second phase will take place, for the second consecutive year, in December. The second stage will be applied on December 3rd and 4th, 2023. Before the first stage, there will be Specific Skills tests for candidates for Music courses (in September and October). The specific tests for the Architecture and Urban Planning, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance courses will take place between the 7th and 9th of December 2023. In this way, the Unicamp 2024 Vestibular will, for the first time, have all its tests applied until the end of the year.
Registration fee exemptions
Comvest will receive requests for exemption from the registration fee, which will be valid for both the Unicamp 2024 Vestibular and the Enem-Unicamp 2024 modality, starting on May 15th. Exemption requests must be made exclusively online, on the Comvest website (www.comvest.unicamp.br), until June 5th. The necessary documentation (which will appear in the Notice) is also sent online. The list of students eligible for exemption will be released on July 28th.
The calendar was defined in a meeting held with those responsible for entrance exams at public universities in the state of São Paulo, with the aim of preventing dates from coinciding, and thus facilitating the participation of candidates interested in more than one selection process.
Unicamp 2024 Entrance Exam Calendar
Registration and payment of the Registration Fee: 31/7 a 31/8/2023
Specific Skills Test - Music: Sep/Oct/2023
1ª phase: 29/10/2023
2ª phase: 3 and 4 / 12 / 2023
Specific Skills Tests: 7/9/12/2023
![The second phase will take place, for the second consecutive year, in December Audio description (AD). Photo: Antonio Scarpinetti. In a large classroom, perspective image and general shot of around 50 people sitting at school desks with arms, facing the left of the photo, positioned next to each other, forming 7 vertical rows. Most of them write with a pen or pencil on printed sheets of tests that are on their desks, keeping their heads slightly tilted forward. Almost all of them wear casual clothes, such as t-shirts and shorts. Image 1 of 1](https://unicamp.br/unicamp/sites/default/files/2023-03/atu_vestibular_20220923_interna.jpg)