Understand (and question) Petrobrás’ pricing policy

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Why does a country that produces oil at a lower cost practice an international pricing policy?

In an interview for the program Analyze, economist Ricardo de Medeiros Carneiro, professor at the Unicamp Institute of Economics, provides a general overview of Petrobrás' pricing policy and defends the change to a “domestic pricing policy”.

Carneiro was one of the creators of the proposal to create a stabilization fund to balance prices during periods of high oil prices. The economist criticizes the re-encumbrance of the fuel sector because of the inflationary effect.

For the economist, the most urgent discussion is to think about how the company's profits are distributed, which today remunerates its shareholders well above most oil companies around the world. According to the professor, Petrobrás' current pricing policy is incompatible with the company's investment program. “Petrobrás is a public company, in a strategic sector. It needs to transform into an energy sector company and expand. This distribution of dividends is immoral”, he highlights.

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Production: Tote Nunes

Interview: Juliana Franco and Tote Nunes

Images: Kléber Casablanca and João Ricardo - Boi

Audio: Octávio Fonseca

Editing: Kléber Casablanca

Cover photo: Antonio Scarpinetti

Cover: Paulo Cavalheri


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Economist Ricardo de Medeiros Carneiro provides an overview of Petrobrás' pricing policy


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