The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the social inclusion rates obtained upon entry in 2023, in the different existing modalities for entering the University's undergraduate courses. The percentage of students from the public network increased from 45,7% (1.586 students) in 2022 to 49,5%, with 1.681 enrolled out of a total of 3.395 entrants in 2023. The index considers those enrolled in the following modalities: Unicamp Entrance Exam (until the 8th call), Enem-Unicamp, ProFis, Indigenous Entrance Exam and Olympic Vacancies. In 2021, the index was 47,5%, in 2020, 45,4%, and in 2019, 47,9%. The percentage of black and mixed-race students also grew and was slightly above that recorded in the previous entry, rising from 29,3% to reach 30% of the total enrolled, with 1.019 students entering.
Among candidates exempt from paying the registration fee, who have a profile of socioeconomic vulnerability, the enrollment rate was 14,7%, compared to 13% in the previous year. The percentage considers the Unicamp and Enem-Unicamp Vestibular modalities, for which fee exemption is granted, according to the students' profile. In the Olympic Vacancies, Indigenous Entrance Exam and ProFis modalities, registration is free.
The director of the Commission, José Alves de Freitas Neto, considered the rates to be very positive. “At the end of the eight calls foreseen in the notices, we had Unicamp’s goals met. Furthermore, we were able to not only stop the drop in the number of students coming from public schools, but increase the participation of this group among those enrolled in 2023”, said José Alves.
Another aspect highlighted by the director was the standardization of calendars, so that calls and registrations for all selection processes occurred together. “Last year, for example, the Indigenous Entrance Exam had to be held in May, which meant that students were admitted in August and not in March. The realignment was important, as we were able to look globally at the inclusion policies carried out by Unicamp and see that they are working as planned by the University”, stated José Alves.