Letter to the academic community




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Letter to the academic community

As rector of Unicamp, I regret and express my deep consternation to the academic community, particularly that of Israel, for the unacceptable acts of violence that occurred on April 3, 2023, which resulted in the Israeli Universities Fair being prevented from being held. I address, with special attention, the professionals from the University and those organizing the event who experienced moments of violence and tension on the Barão Geraldo campus. I reiterate, to everyone, my apology.

The Unicamp community, in its different instances, also repudiated the violence committed by a restricted group of followers of political radicalism. For example, expressions of solidarity and condemnation were recorded by the general coordinator of the University, the team of pro-rectors, directors of teaching and research units, as well as teachers, students and technical-administrative employees.

Unicamp has a long history of action guided by pluralism of ideas, freedom of chair and defense of democracy. Throughout its existence, it has always hosted activities and events promoted by representatives of different political, ideological and religious backgrounds. In the context of international relations, agreements and partnerships are traditionally signed with public bodies, multilateral organizations and universities on all continents. Such actions are aimed at strengthening academic and interinstitutional relations. The University also maintains programs to welcome refugees and vulnerable groups, with strong encouragement for policies that promote human rights.

In line with the principles that guide this institution, I emphasize that, despite this regrettable isolated act, academic activities with Israeli universities and research institutes will continue in their normal course.

With best wishes and consideration,

*letter signed by the rector of Unicamp Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles 

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Dean Antonio Meirelles expresses, in a letter, deep consternation to the academic community, particularly that of Israel, for the unacceptable acts of violence, which resulted in the Israeli Universities Fair being prevented from being held (Photo: Antoninho Perri)


Internal Community

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium