Unicamp launches guide for accessing 70 e-books on the 17 UN sustainability goals

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Access to the complete content of the e-books can only be done from computers, tablets and cell phones connected to the Unicamp network

The Unicamp Library System (SBU) has just launched a guide that will allow teachers, researchers and students quick access to e-books that deal with topics related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN (Organization of Notions United).

The guide brings a compilation of all the material that deals with the subject, material that is made available by the University through the main publishers in the world – such as Cambridge, Oxford. J Stor, Springer, among others. Today, the University has approximately 70 thousand e-books on the topic, all made available to the university community through the SBU.

Access to the complete content of the e-books, however, can only be done from computers, tablets and cell phones connected to the Unicamp network. In the case of remote access, it is necessary to connect to VPN Unicamp.

Organized by the Learning Resource Center (CRA), the  The material is hosted at the Unicamp Digital Library (BDU) and can be downloaded, used and replicated from a link.

Access the Digital Library

CRA coordinator, Michele Lebre de Marco, explains that the methodology used to organize the content involved carrying out searches using keywords, pre-defined for each of the 17 SDGs. The model was repeated for each e-book collection, according to the publisher providing the content.

According to her, the SDG theme was chosen by the CRA because sustainability has consolidated itself as one of the most prominent themes within the University. “This guide idea seemed like an efficient way to contribute to the University’s commitment to strengthening the 2030 agenda,” she said. “This is a matter of extreme importance for the University,” she argued.

Learning Resource Center Coordinator Michele Lebre de Marco: Keyword Searches
Learning Resource Center Coordinator Michele Lebre de Marco: Keyword Searches 

According to data from the yearbook published at the end of 2022, Unicamp's research linked to the 17 UN SDGs generated an impact above the global average in most of its axes.

Unicamp's main highlight among the SDGs is health and well-being (Goal 3). In an indication of the size of the response to the health crisis generated by the covid-19 pandemic, Unicamp reached the mark of 4.620 publications on that topic, with an academic impact 37% above the world average.

In the area of ​​clean and affordable energy (Objective 7), there were 1.536 publications, with an impact 16% higher than the world average. In the item dealing with industry, innovation and infrastructure (Objective 9), there were 876 publications – 28% above the global average.

In eight other objectives, research at Unicamp was above the world average.

See here what the 17 SDGs are.   

The coordinator also recalled that there are many research groups at Unicamp dealing with the SDGs and that the guide can be an extremely useful tool, as it will facilitate access to numerous research sources in a more agile way. “The guide reinforces the support role that the library system plays at the University”, she summarizes.

The SBU issues an alert: if any difficulty is identified in accessing any content, the user must report the problem using email sbucra@unicamp.br.

The SDG guide could be the first in a series of others to be eventually created by the SBU

Other guides

Michele Lebre de Marco says that the SDG guide could be the first in a series of others to be eventually created. “This guide opens up a huge range of possibilities. We will be able to define the subjects or themes and create other specific guides”, he recalls.

The coordinator also said that the SBU has a vast collection of information sources in its digital collection. There are 322.285 e-books for perpetual acquisition, 453.279 e-books available in subscription collections, 66 research databases and 2.838 scientific journals.

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The guide will allow teachers, researchers and students quick access to e-books that address the 17 SDGs


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