The rector of Unicamp, professor Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles, and directors of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking higher education institutions signed, in Spain, the “Declaration of Valencia” in favor of global sustainable development.
Prepared during the V International Meeting of Universia Rectors, held in Valencia, the document assesses that universities are in a “privileged position” to lead societies towards knowledge and innovation.
“The university has a great capacity not only to contribute to, but also to lead sustainable development with rigor, critical thinking and social commitment”, says the document approved at the end of the two-day meeting at which they were present 700 rectors – more than 70 from Brazilian universities – and university leaders from 14 countries, as well as representatives from governments, companies and international institutions.
Universia is a network that connects Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking universities around the world. Representatives from UK higher education institutions also participated in the meeting.
The “Valencia Declaration” says that universities must provide students with comprehensive training that includes multidisciplinary knowledge, transversal skills and values that prepare them both to integrate and shape the future of the job market and to develop leadership in future societies.
"The relevance of the humanist perspective, which promotes values such as solidarity or ethics, is increasingly necessary in a world that aims to be fair, equitable and sustainable”, recalls the document.
Meirelles stated that the meeting also served other purposes, such as expanding the contact network with some of the world's main universities and improving Unicamp's internationalization process.
“We want to send professors, researchers and students to foreign universities and we also want to attract these professionals”, said the dean. “Our objective is to improve transit between institutions and encourage exchanges,” he added.
The meeting – which was opened by the President of Spain, Pedro Sánchez – took place between the 8th and 10th of May and revolved around the theme “University and Society”.
The event brought together special guests such as the British physicist, computer scientist, professor at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee; the Spanish physicist and 2006 Prince of Asturias winner, Ignacio Cirac; and former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers.
The event was chaired by Ana Botín, president of Banco Santander and Universia.
University of Alicante
In the second stage of the trip, the rector of Unicamp signed a broad cooperation agreement with the University of Alicante (Spain) in the areas teaching, research and cultural activities. The agreement was signed by Meirelles and the rector of the University of Alicante, professor Amparo Navarro Faure.
The agreement provides for the exchange of teachers, researchers and students, the publication of joint historical and linguistic monographs, the carrying out of research projects and the organization of coordinated teaching activities and international academic events.
It was also decided that each university will prepare an annual program of activities. Once shared, both proposals will form a program of activities common to both institutions for the academic year.
In addition, universities must also prepare, annually, reports on the activities carried out and share them together with the proposed program for the following academic year.
The agreement came into force at the time of its signing and will be valid for three years, with automatic extension for periods of equal duration.