Unicamp is ranked first in the country in actions for economic growth and decent work, according to THE Impact ranking

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Unicamp stands out in actions aimed at economic development, sustainable industrialization, decent employment and innovation. The finding comes from the THE Impact ranking, carried out by the British consultancy Times Higher Education, which evaluates the impact of the work carried out by universities around the world to achieve the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The result was released this Thursday (1/6).

For each SDG, a score is assigned to the universities participating in the ranking. Unicamp's highest scores were in SDG 8 — Decent Work and Economic Growth, with 70,2 points out of a total of 100, an item that puts the university in first place among Brazilian institutions; and SDG 9 — Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, with 89,6 points, which places Unicamp in third place in the country and in 82nd place among the 1.591 institutions considered.

In the general ranking, which considers the scores obtained in the 17 SDGs analyzed, Unicamp obtained 79,9 points, placing it among the 300 universities with the greatest impact in the world. The index is slightly lower than that recorded in 2022, when the score obtained was 82,1, but it is necessary to consider the increase in the number of universities participating in the research, from 1.410 last year to 1.591 this year.

In the country, Unicamp is in third place, alongside the Universities of Brasília (UnB) and Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), which are also among the 300 with the greatest impact. In the world, the institutions with the greatest impact evaluated by the 2023 ranking were Western Sydney University, in Australia; the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom, and Queen's University, in Canada. In Brazil, the University of São Paulo (USP) ranked first nationally and is among the 200 with the greatest impact on the world stage. 

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Audio description. Photo: Antonio Scarpinetti. Outdoors, close-up image of a man, with his back turned, walking from the foreground to the background of the photo. He is wearing a green hooded jacket with the Unicamp logo printed on the back. In the background of the photo, in a blurred image, several other people are walking very close to each other. In the background of the photo, a large building, parked cars and trees, on the left. The day is sunny. Image 1 of 1


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