The rector of Unicamp, Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles, said he received with enthusiasm the decision of the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Luciana Santos, to release R$3,6 billion from Pró-Infra for recovery and expansion of research infrastructure in universities and Science and Technology Institutions (ICTs).
The resources will be distributed over the next two years through notices from Finep (Financier of Studies and Projects), according to the government. The announcement was made at the opening ceremony of the 75th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), held in Curitiba last Monday night (24).
According to the announcement, of the total resources, R$300 million will be used exclusively for the consolidation and expansion of infrastructure in the North, Northeast and Central-West regions in partnership with the State Research Support Foundations. Another R$500 million will be allocated to infrastructure focused on priority themes such as health, defense, energy transition, ecological transition and digital transformation.
“The resumption of investments by the federal government in science, technology and innovation makes us very happy,” said the dean of Unicamp. “Especially by reserving resources for priority areas, in which Unicamp has a tradition. These are areas in which Unicamp has a very strong presence”, added Meirelles, referring to actions that concern assistance and innovation in health, research in energy transition and ecological transition and work in the area of digital transformation.
“With this announcement, the federal government maintains its commitment to promoting investments in Science, Technology and Innovation and makes it clear that it understands the important role of universities and Science and Technology institutions in the country's development. This makes us very satisfied”, concluded the dean.
Minister Luciana Santos stated that the Pró-Infra program has the prospect of rescuing the capacity of Brazilian institutions to produce quality science and cutting-edge technology, which can help the country grow, reduce regional asymmetries and generate employment and income. . “Our Pró-Infra is back”, she assured.
The minister also announced the reinstallation of the National Science and Technology Council and the convening of the 5th National Science and Technology Conference, in 2024, by the federal government. She invited the scientific community to mobilize across the country at regional events to ensure broad participation by scientific entities.
The dean of Postgraduate Studies at Unicamp, professor Rachel Meneguello, celebrated the Ministry's decision and recalled that these resources will be fundamental for the recovery and expansion of research infrastructure at universities and institutes.
“In recent years, the federal funding system for Science, Technology and Innovation has collapsed. The country was placed in a backwards pace with the cuts imposed and the dismantling actions of the previous government,” he argued. “This investment allows us to regain much of our leading role in many areas of science and knowledge production, and the results will be seen in the country’s expanded development capacity”, she concluded.
The Vice-Rector of Research at Unicamp, Professor João Romano, said he recognizes the importance of allocating resources to the consolidation and expansion of infrastructure in the North, Northeast and Central-West regions; Likewise, he considers it opportune to define priority areas, focused on strategic themes for the country.
“It is worth highlighting that an important amount, of R$ 2,8 billion, has no a priori geographic or thematic link, which opens up investment expectations for basic and applied sciences in all areas of knowledge”, he considered. “It is essential that we, at Unicamp and universities in São Paulo in general, organize ourselves to have access to these resources and obtain significant improvements in our research infrastructure”, warned the dean.
Romano celebrated the reinstallation of the Council and the holding of the Conference. “Luciana Santos’ management demonstrates sensitivity and concern in promoting a serious and participatory debate on the direction of research in Brazil, seeking to listen to the scientific community and understand their needs, priorities and desires to collaborate with national development”, stated the pro- Dean.
“The lack of stimulus and investment has consequences in the short term, as can be concluded by observing the drop in publication rates by Brazilian researchers in 2022. A new perspective seems to emerge, and a lot of work and dedication is needed from now on, to quickly transform it into reality, which also involves valuing the research career in all areas of knowledge", concluded the dean.
In mid-February this year, the federal government had already announced am plan for readjustments and recomposition of scholarships, research and teacher training. The correction percentages ranged from 25% to 200%, and the new values came into force in March. The federal government also made official the recomposition of the number of scholarships offered.
In 2015, there were 58,6 master's degree scholarships, for example. In 2022, this number was reduced to 48,7 — a drop of almost 17%. The number rose to 53,6 thousand. Minister Luciana Santos said at the time that the investment would cover more than 250 students from high school to postgraduate studies.