Unicamp's Chamber of Administration (CAD) approved this Tuesday (5) the draft of the deliberation that defines the rules for the implementation of the electronic point at the University. There were 16 votes in favor and 7 against the proposal, in addition to 3 abstentions.
The decision allows Unicamp to continue complying with the schedule established in the Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC) signed with the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo (MPSP) in March this year. The agreement provides for electronic journey control to be introduced at the University in four stages, to be completed by June 30, 2024. There is the possibility of extending the deadline for another six months.
Approval of the draft by CAD marks the completion of the first stage of the process, establishing the general rules for implementing the electronic system. The set of guidelines concerns the technologies that will be used, the servers that must record the time and the ways in which the journey is completed.
During the discussions that preceded the vote on the text of the draft, rector Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles reiterated the commitments regarding electronic control of working hours assumed by the current management through two communiqués released last week, on August 28th and August 1st. September. Meirelles announced that he would call the leaders of the Unicamp Workers Union (STU) “immediately” to sign a collective agreement regarding such commitments.
The rector also committed to discussing with representatives of the Research Career (Pq) the inclusion or not of these employees among those who must make the electronic record of the point.
Next stages
According to the schedule agreed with the MPSP, the electronic point will be introduced first in the Rector's Office (GR), in the General Coordination of the University (CGU), in the pro-rectorates and in the executive directorates, as well as in three units in the area of health: at the Community Health Center (Cecom), at the Center for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Digestive System (Gastrocentro) and at the Hospital da Mulher Prof. Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti (Caism).
The implementation will then be carried out in other central administration bodies and other health units, including the Hospital de Clínicas (HC) and the Hematology and Hemotherapy Center (Hemocentro). The fourth and final stage of the process will cover teaching, research and extension units (colleges and institutes) and research centers and nuclei.
New executive boards
CAD members also approved in this Tuesday's session two proposals for the creation of new bodies within the scope of the central administration. One of the proposals deals with the establishment of the Executive Board of Student Support and Permanence (Deape); the other, the constitution of the Executive Board of Information and Communication Technology (Detic) and the Information and Communication Technology Governance Council (Govtic). Both still have to be submitted for consideration by the University Council (Consu).
Read more:
Official clarifications on electronic frequency control
Additional clarifications on electronic journey control
CAD approves Conduct Adjustment Term and electronic point implementation schedule