Three Unicamp professors took office as full members of the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (Aciesp) this Thursday, 14th. They are the teachers Everardo Magalhães Carneiro (Biomedical Sciences), Ana Maria Fonseca de Almeida (Human and Social Sciences) and researcher Cristiana Simão Seixas (Biological Sciences).
Aciesp, founded in 1974, aims to consolidate São Paulo's position as the main regional center of scientific excellence in Latin America. The mandate of new members is for life and, among the main responsibilities of their position, is participation in ordinary meetings, as well as guiding the direction of scientific research in the State and organizing debates around topics linked to technical-scientific policy.
For Almeida, professor at the Faculty of Education, Aciesp is a fundamental part of the science and technology system in the State of São Paulo. “I was very honored by the election”, she celebrates. She works in the area of education and inequalities and, therefore, intends to contribute to the discussion about the place of human and social sciences in the production of knowledge. “I would also like to help make the gains of an inclusive science more visible and that considers, when relevant, categories of inequalities – sex, gender and race, among others – in the design of research”, she highlights.
A professor at the Biology Institute, Carneiro believes that the academy represents the scientific power of the State. “Each new member that enters signals to our society a continuity of the work of scientists towards the development of our people in different areas of knowledge”, he attests. His specialty is endocrine physiology, and Carneiro deals mainly with the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the process of insulin production and secretion in conditions of malnutrition, obesity and diabetes. “My appointment will certainly strengthen the discussion of the academy’s scientific policy and also the black community in our State, as this will be yet another black scientist to take office at this prestigious academy”, he declares.
Seixas, coordinator of the Center for Environmental Studies and Research (Nepam) at Unicamp, expressed surprise at the election. The professor carries out research focusing on environmental management, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, bringing aspects involving human beings into debate. She is dedicated to lines of research based on transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, since, in her opinion, a large part of environmental problems occur due to the disconnection between human beings and nature. “There is no separation between human beings and nature, which is why research in this area must have socio-ecological approaches”, she highlights.
The coordinator's surprise is justified because Aciesp has always been guided by a very traditional concept of discipline. “My election makes me hopeful that science is managing to advance on topics that lie between disciplines and that dialogue with society,” she highlights. Seixas is also a member of the coordination of the Brazilian Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IBPBES).