The application of Provão Paulista for students in the third year of high school in the public network in the state of São Paulo already has a date to take place: November 28th and 29th. This is a new modality of access to public universities in São Paulo and foresees the entry of students into undergraduate courses as early as 2024. The information was published by Seduc-SP (Secretariat of Education of the State of São Paulo) in the Official Gazette, on the last day September 29th.
The new system provides for an additional 15 thousand vacancies at Unicamp, USP (University of São Paulo) and Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista), in addition to the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp) and the Faculties of Technology (Fatecs).
According to the Secretariat, all students from the São Paulo state network are automatically enrolled in Provão Paulista, as are students from Etecs (State Technical Schools) and schools linked to USP, Unesp and Unicamp.
From November 1st, students will be able to define the course options they wish to take. The website for choosing will be made available by the Secretariat in partnership with the institutions.
Students enrolled in the first and second year of high school will take the Provão Paulista on November 30th and December 1st. The test scores will be added together and considered in the selection process when students reach their third year.
According to Seduc-SP, the tests will be administered at the school itself with multiple choice questions. For students in the third year of high school, on the 28th, the exam will feature questions in the areas of languages and their technologies and natural sciences and their technologies. The next day, there will be questions on mathematics and its technologies and human and social sciences, as well as writing.
More than 15 thousand vacancies available
In total, 15.369 places will be available for students who participate in the Provão. At USP, there will be 1.500 vacancies; at Unesp, 934; and at Unicamp, 325. At Univesp and Fatecs, 2.620 and 10 thousand places will be offered, respectively.
Among the most popular courses in entrance exams, the institutions offered 558 places in the various areas of engineering, 89 places in law, 67 in medicine and 33 in psychology.
All places will be distributed proportionally and equally among students from the state education network, Etecs, students from other public networks in the country and self-declared black, brown and indigenous people.
The institutions' partnership with Seduc-SP also provides for aid to be paid by the state body for students in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. In addition to this benefit, at Unicamp, students who enter through Provão will have access, considering their socioeconomic condition, to assistance such as housing, food, transportation, among others.
Students from other states
Students from public schools outside the state of São Paulo interested in taking the Provão Paulista must register by October 6th via the website: https://provaopaulistaseriado.
The authorization for students from other states to participate in Provão, according to Seduc-SP, follows an Extraordinary Appeal from the STF (Supreme Federal Court), which prevents places at universities from being reserved only for students who live and attend high school in the same state in which the university is located.
Questions about Provão Paulista? Check out the video in which Unicamp's Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Ivan Toro, answers the main questions on the topic.
The videos are also available on Unicamp's Instagram:
View the video Ask your questions about Provão Paulista on YouTube