Note from the Rectory on the student strike and the occupation of IMECC

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                                                          Announcement from the Rectory

The Rectory of Unicamp, faced with the student strike and the occupation of IMECC, declares that:

• Is in solidarity with the Board and the academic community of IMECC, condemns the occupation of the Institute and demands the immediate release of the building;

• Quickly and attentively to due legal process, he preventively removed professor Rafael de Freitas Leão for 180 days, following the initiation of a Disciplinary Administrative Process (PAD);

• Started the negotiation process with the strike command, holding a first meeting on October 09th. In it, the representatives of the Rectory proposed a new meeting on October 11th. Without the students' agreement, the meeting was scheduled for October 18th;

• Is willing to discuss the items on the agenda of demands, making a commitment to construct a schedule of actions, conditioned on the vacancy of the IMECC building;

Finally, it highlights the importance of maintaining serenity in relationships between all members of the university community.

Read the note in PDF.








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Statement from the Rectory of Unicamp in light of the student strike and the occupation of IMECC


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