The Ministry of Health announced the transfer of R$19.004.879,94 for cancer treatment in Campinas. The resources will be distributed between Unicamp's Hospital de Clínicas (HC), which will receive R$11,2 million; the PUC-Campinas Hospital, which will receive R$5,6 million, and the Dr. Mário Gatti Municipal Hospital, which will receive R$2,1 million. The amounts will be paid throughout the year. The funds should help maintain oncology treatment in the units, but are not enough to expand services, say hospital representatives.
Here GM/MS Ordinance No. 1.516 of October 5, 2023, with a total transfer of R$306.414.308,28 from the Ministry of Health to medium and high complexity hospitals in São Paulo.
For HC, the total amount will be R$11.240.751,24, divided into monthly installments of R$936.729,25. According to the superintendent of Unicamp's HC, Elaine Cristina de Ataíde, although the total amount seems high, it will not be able to expand the oncology services offered. “Currently, the HC performs a thousand chemotherapies per month. The ministerial money that comes is money that is already trying to help services and ensure that they are maintained”, explains the HC superintendent.
This resource, says Elaine, will be divided between all areas that serve oncology at Unicamp — the HC, the Blood Center, the Women's Hospital (Caism) and the Gastrocentro. The division of the funds will be made according to the production of each of the units, and is viewed favorably by the Federal Government. “In the context of health, this budget is not enough for expansion, it is enough for maintenance, since we are currently contracted to carry out 300 chemotherapies, and we already carry out a thousand. And, even with these thousand, we have a population deficit. We could increase it to 2 thousand to try to reduce the damming rate”, explains Elaine.
The superintendent of Unicamp's HC points out that a larger contribution would be needed to support an increase in vacancies and carry out new surgeries, which is necessary because the HC is still dealing with the backlog caused by the pandemic, which generated an increase in the waiting list. “HC already has a project for this, presented to the government of the state of São Paulo. It is through this project that we aim to double chemotherapies, going from 2 to XNUMX”, reinforces Elaine.