Last Wednesday (November 1st), Unicamp's Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest) opened registrations for the Enem-Unicamp 2024 selection process and for the Usfcar-Unicamp 2024 Indigenous Entrance Exam. Registrations can be made exclusively through Comvest website, until 17 pm on November 30th. Interested parties must fill out an electronic form and collect the registration fee. Candidates registered for the Unicamp 2024 Entrance Exam with fee exemption are exempt from the Enem-Unicamp process. For others, the fee will be R$30. Payment can be made until December 7th. The notice with the rules of the process is available on the Comvest website.
Indigenous Entrance Exam
Registration for the 2024 Indigenous Entrance Exam is aimed at indigenous students who attended public schools and is free. Unicamp offers 130 vacancies and ufscar (Federal University of São Carlos) offers 65 places. Candidates for the 2024 Indigenous Entrance Exam must prove that they belong to one of the indigenous ethnicities of Brazilian territory, through the documentation specified in the Notice, to be delivered on the day of the test. What's new this year is that the exam will be administered in two new cities: Santarém, in Pará and Campo Grande, in Mato Grosso do Sul.
The selection has been unified between Unicamp and UFSCar since the 2022 edition, for the admission of indigenous students to both universities. Candidates must submit a single application, indicating up to two courses, one at each university. The notices with the rules and vacancies per course are available on the websites of both institutions.
The test will be administered in the following cities: Campinas (SP), Campo Grande (MS), Recife (PE), Santarém (PA), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM). The exam will be held on January 14, 2024 (following local time). O study program for the test is now available in the notices, on the Comvest and UFSCar pages. Candidates for the Music Degree course at Unicamp and UFSCar, in addition to the tests above, must take the Specific Skills Test in Music, with the electronic submission of videos, from 1/11/2023 to 11/12/2023 , on the Comvest website. Successful candidates will be called in up to five calls for enrollment, according to the calendar below.
314 vacancies will be offered for two enrollment segments: 50% of vacancies for candidates who have completed secondary education in a public school (or who have obtained secondary education certification from Enem by 2016 or through official exams ); and 50% of vacancies for candidates who have completed high school in a public school and who are self-declared black, mixed race or indigenous. The list of courses and vacancies is available in the notice. It is possible to take up to two course options. Candidates may use your score considering exclusively the 2023 edition of Enem.
Just like in the Unicamp Entrance Exam, to be entitled to quotas based on ethnic-racial criteria, students who self-declare as black or brown must have phenotypic traits that characterize them as black, black or brown. These students must fill in the specific field self-declaration on the registration form and, if called, they must present themselves to an Inquiry Committee, designated by the Executive Directorate of Human Rights (DeDH), to validate the self-declaration. Those opting for indigenous vacancies must present the documentation required by the notice during the registration procedure.
Candidates who have completed an undergraduate or postgraduate course at a public institution (federal, state or municipal) will not be able to compete in the Enem-Unicamp modality.
Multiple Entries
Interested parties will be able to register simultaneously in more than one of Unicamp's selection systems for 2024 (Unicamp Entrance Exam, Enem-Unicamp modality, Indigenous Entrance Exam and Olympic Vacancies modality). At the time of the calls, if a candidate has been invited to enroll in the same course, in the same call, in Entrance Exam 2024 and Enem-Unicamp, the vacancy to be filled will be that of the entrance exam. If a candidate has been invited to enroll in different courses, in the same call, in Vestibular 2024 and Enem-Unicamp, the candidate will choose one of them, at the time of registration. When registering in one of the systems, the candidate will be automatically excluded from the classification list of the other admission systems. If you are enrolled in the same course, are called in any system and do not enroll, your name will be excluded from calls in other systems.
Tests and summons
The Enem tests are the responsibility of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), linked to the Ministry of Education.
There will be up to five enrollment calls online. The dates on the registration calendar will coincide with the call dates for the Unicamp 2024 Entrance Exam, the first call for which will be on January 29, 2024.
More information about the Unicamp 2024 Entrance Exam on the Comvest page.