USP and Unicamp lead Folha's ranking; difference is 0,65 points

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Unicamp and the University of São Paulo (USP) maintained their leadership in the Folha University Ranking (RUF), which was published again this year, after being suspended for four years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With a score of 98,85, USP is ranked first in the country, and Unicamp comes in second, with 98,20 – a difference of just 0,65 points, on a scale that goes up to 100. According to the newspaper FSP, institutions are evaluated based on five criteria: quality of teaching, scientific research, job market, innovation and internationalization. For the first time, Unicamp leads in terms of teaching.

The result was celebrated by the rector of Unicamp, professor Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles. “First, we need to value the fact that we are among the two best universities in the country. But, in the particular case of undergraduate education, it is a highlight for Unicamp to be occupying first place”, said the dean.

“This means a very large dose of contribution from our University in the training of human resources that can contribute decisively to the development of our country. Therefore, this is a reason for great pride, the certainty that we have to continue on this path, strengthening all other aspects of these rankings so that we can remain highlighted, but, above all, maintain the excellence of our activity” , he added.

Check out the complete ranking.

Rector Antonio Meirelles:
Rector Antonio Meirelles: for the first time, Unicamp leads in terms of teaching

The rector highlighted the fact that Unicamp has remained among the top placed in the ranking in a period that coincides with important changes that are being implemented at the University, with a vigorous inclusion process. 

“It is important to draw attention to the fact that we are maintaining this highlight, with a substantial change regarding the students who enter the University, as we are in a very significant inclusion process. Around 50% of our students came from public schools, we have quotas for indigenous students and a large participation of black and mixed-race students. This is all an indication that the changes at the University are being well resolved. This shows that we are able to face this challenge with very positive action”, concludes the dean.

According to the RUF, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) was in third place, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in fourth and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in fifth. 

A Sheet informs that this ninth edition of the survey provides an unprecedented assessment of all 203 active universities in Brazil – public and private – and the more than 18 thousand face-to-face courses offered in the 40 highest demand careers. More than 2.200 educational institutions are evaluated, including universities, university centers and colleges.

The data that make up the indicators are collected directly by Sheet in national and international databases of scientific journals, patents (National Institute of Industrial Property – Inpi) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) – specifically the Higher Education Census and the National Student Performance Exam ( Enade). In addition, data made available by state and federal science funding agencies are taken into account.

Part of this data comes from two national opinion surveys carried out by Datafolha with employers and teachers. From this edition onwards, the initiative now has its own base of specialist teachers, built by Sheet and composed of evaluators and former evaluators from the Ministry of Education (MEC) and members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC).

Undergraduate courses are evaluated based on information about the market and teaching. One of the new features of the ninth edition is the change in indicators relating to these two areas. Now, institutions that received at least one mention in the questionnaires with employers and teachers carried out by Datafolha in the last three evaluations are now scoring in opinion polls.

As a result, the number of courses that scored points doubled compared to previous editions. Another methodological change refers to the Enade grade in the courses evaluated. For those who did not take the exam, the grade was estimated by the minimum value among the averages of similar institutions that offer the same degrees.

Read the article published in Folha de S. Paulo.

cover image
The dean highlighted that the fact that Unicamp has remained among the first placed in the ranking is despite important changes having been implemented at the University in recent years.


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium