Studies coordinated by professor Cassiana Montagner, from the Unicamp Chemistry Institute, demonstrate how so-called emerging contaminants, which are not yet part of Brazilian legislation and which are therefore not monitored in the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí river basin, can harm life water and the health of the population. Studies warn of the need for investments in basic sanitation in the region, something that can minimize contamination and pollution.
The death of fish in the Piracicaba River, noted on January 2, 2024, is being investigated by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesb) and among the possible causes is the low oxygenation of the water, which may have been caused by the smallest river flow, heat and concentration of pollutants, factors that increase the proliferation of algae in the water.
Technical sheet
Production and reporting – Hebe Rios
Images – Marcos Botelho Jr.
Audio recording – Octávio Silva
Editing – Kleber Casablanca