Around 1,7 candidates took the Unicamp-Ufscar 2024 Indigenous Entrance Exam

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Last Sunday, January 14, the Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) administered the 2024 Indigenous Entrance Examination test, unified between the Federal University of São Carlos (Ufscar) and Unicamp. In total, 1.699 students took the test, which was administered in six cities across the country: Campinas (SP), Campo Grande (MS), Recife (PE), Santarém (PA), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM). Comvest recorded a drop in abstention rates compared to the previous edition, which decreased from 50% to 49%. Of the 3.350 registered, 1.651 did not show up to take the test. In the cities with the highest number of registrants, São Gabriel da Cachoeira and Tabatinga, both in Amazonas, the registered rates were lower than the general abstention rate: 45,1% and 46,9% respectively. The table with indexes by city is available at Comvest page internet.

For the first time, Unicamp held the test in Pará, in the city of Santarém. Of the 180 registered, 53 appeared to take the exam, according to Comvest. In Campo Grande (MS), another new application city included in this edition of the Indigenous Entrance Exam, 15 candidates showed up, out of the 76 who had registered. The director of Comvest, José Alves de Freitas Neto, stated that holding the test in Pará came from a demand from Unicamp's own students. “In this way, we allow other people to have access to the indigenous entrance exam. Despite being high, abstention is a characteristic of the exam itself, considering the distances and difficulty for students to reach the exam locations,” he said.

The test applied is available for consultation on the Comvest website; The answer sheet will be released this week

According to the director, who coordinated the application of the test in Santarém, the exam was also an opportunity to listen to demands and suggestions from students in Pará. “We spoke with the candidates, and they were able to bring us important aspects of the characteristics of their education and tell us about the importance of seeking a university like Unicamp”, he stated.

The test applied is available for consultation on the Comvest website. The answer sheet will be released later this week. The exam consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions, distributed as follows: Languages ​​and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an editorial team.

Listen to Repórter Unicamp with professor José Alves: 

According to the director of the Entrance Exam Committee, the exam applied can be considered quite contextualized, within the context of indigenous students, which has been an important characteristic of the Unicamp test. “One of the writing proposals asked students to take a position, through a text on social media, in relation to their own exposure, in defense of their culture and against the hate speech that indigenous people often receive on social media. social”, highlighted José Alves.

The topics covered in the questions were, according to Comvest's analysis, quite contemporary, including calculations related to the growth of the indigenous population based on IBGE data and subjects such as indigenous feminism and the Constitution in the Nheengatu language. “This demonstrates the relevance of the Unicamp UFSCar Indigenous Entrance Exam and how it is in debate with the current agendas of the movements of indigenous peoples in Brazil”, said José Alves.

Comvest director, José Alves, during the Vestibular presentation in Santarém, Pará; the exam applied can be considered quite contextualized

Publication of those approved

Comvest will publish the first call for candidates to enroll on February 5th, on its website. Registration of those invited to this call must be carried out online, from 9 am to 17 pm on February 6, via the internet, on the Comvest website. The second call will be announced on February 9th. Up to five calls are planned. 

At Ufscar, this is the 17th edition of the admission modality for indigenous students, and at Unicamp, the sixth. Unicamp offers 130 places, distributed across all courses at the University, and Ufscar offers up to two places in 65 different course options.

Comvest will publish the first call for candidates for enrollment on February 5th, on its website

Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2024

Publication of those invited to enroll in the 1st call, on the Comvest page: 5/02/2024, at 18 pm

Online registration of those called in the 1st call, from the Comvest page: From 9 am to 17 pm on 6/02/2024

Publication of those invited to enroll in the 2st call, on the Comvest page: 09/02/2024, at 18 pm

Online registration of those called in the 2st call, from the Comvest page: From 9 am to 17 pm on 15/02/2024

Publication of those invited to enroll in the 3st call, on the Comvest page: 20/02/2024, at 18 pm

Online registration of those called in the 3st call, from the Comvest page: From 9 am to 17 pm on 21/02/2024

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For the first time, Unicamp held the test in Pará, in the city of Santarém


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