The three winners of the Péter Murányi Award 2024, which focused on “Science & Technology”. First place was the project “Nanoscope: Science and Technology Expanding Reality”, developed at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) under the coordination of professor Ado Jório de Vasconcelos.
The main objective was to develop and produce a nanoscope, optical equipment that reveals images on the nanometer scale (measured 1 billion times smaller than a meter) and that can be used in the development of nanotechnology. Applications include the study of two-dimensional materials, such as graphene, and materials of interest to the agribusiness, such as biochars. The instrument has already been patented and the technology is ready to be transferred to industry.
In second place was the project “Sustainable reactor: consisting of metal oxide electrodes and solar cells, for applications in water decontamination or CO2 conversion using solar energy”, coordinated by researcher Claudia Longo at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and supported by Fapesp within the scope of the Center for Innovation in New Energies (Cine) – an Engineering Research Center (CPE) supported by Fapesp and Shell.
One of the applications of the technology is the removal of contaminants from water, such as pesticide and medication residues. During the experiment carried out as a proof of concept, the technology proved capable of eliminating the antibiotic amoxicillin from the sample. Another possible use is the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into products of commercial value, such as ethanol.
Third place was the project “Technology to reduce school dropout”, led by Leonardo Souza at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB). The objective was to create a low-cost solution, based on artificial intelligence, which helps to identify early students who are dropping out of school and map the reasons that lead the student to leave school, among other purposes. The strategy was tested in two cities in Bahia and proved capable of reducing school dropouts by half.
In total, 144 works nominated by 78 institutions across the country were evaluated to participate in the 22nd edition of the Péter Murányi Prize. The three finalists were chosen by the Technical & Scientific Committee, composed of Lucindo José Quintans Júnior (Federal University of Sergipe), Luiz Eugênio Mello (Federal University of São Paulo), José Oswaldo de Siqueira (Federal University of Lavras) and Marco Antonio Bego ( University of Sao Paulo).
Established in 1999, the award is promoted annually with the aim of recognizing and rewarding work that, in an innovative and practical way, contributes to improving the quality of life of populations. In total, it offers R$250 to the finalists, as well as a trophy and certificate of public recognition.
Article originally published on the Agência Fapesp website.
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Solar energy-based technology eliminates organic pollutants from water