Unicamp's Technology-Based Business Incubator (Incamp) has just launched its 2024 notice to receive proposals from entrepreneurs and startups from across the country who wish to train in its pre-incubation and incubation programs. The definition of which program each project fits into is made by the evaluation panel, according to the maturity of each proposal and team or entrepreneur.
In addition to defining their innovative service, product or process proposals that require training and support from the Incubator, candidates must also define whether or not they wish to be in person installed in a laboratory, office or co-working position within the available spaces in the buildings of the Unicamp Scientific and Technological Park, located on the Campinas campus.
The notice is open to all startups and people interested in undertaking technology-based projects in all areas of knowledge, without the need to have a link with Unicamp.
Approved entrepreneurs or startups will be trained in different areas of company training, such as marketing and management, by the team at Inova Unicamp Innovation Agency, which manages the Park, and by the teams from Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses) and Febraec (Brazilian Federation of Consulting and Training Companies), which are Incamp partners. For the evaluation panel on April 29th and 30th (in person), the notice will receive proposals until April 15th, 2024. Register here!
The registration fee to submit each proposal is R$ 350,00, with finalist projects from Inova Unicamp's business modeling competitions (Desafio Unicamp and Inova Jovem) and alumni from Inova's entrepreneurship discipline (with codes AM037 or TP386) are exempt from paying the registration fee, as long as they present a document proving their participation in the final stage of the competition and completion of the discipline.
To find out more about the notice and how to submit your proposals and values, access the Incamp page Site of the Park.
13/3: Webinar “answers questions” about the Incamp notice
With the purpose of explaining how Incamp's incubation programs work and presenting the notice to candidates, Inova Unicamp and the Scientific and Technological Park are open for free registration for a dialogue about the Incubator's notice with startups and interested people.
Within the program, interested parties will be able to ask questions and present their incubation ideas to assess whether they meet the necessary requirements.
Free event: How to incubate your project or company in the Unicamp incubator?
Day: March 13th, 2024
Open Hours: 10:00 until 12:00
Registrations: Zoom Platform