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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
"Experimental modal analysis of a submersible centrifugal pump using 3D laser doppler vibrometer"
"Assessment of carbonate rock dissolution due to interaction with low salinity water for static and dynamic systems under reservoir conditions"
"Evaluation of the physicochemical characteristics of sugarcane bagasse and straw ash"
"Fluid flow in fractured porous media and advanced recovery by injection of water of designed composition"
"Study of the effect of pipe diameter on horizontal two-phase air-water flows"
"Study of the effects of size and granulometric distribution of cylindrical bamboo particles on the minimum fluidization speed of mixtures containing sand as an inert material"
"Study and evaluation of defoamer in API medium grade oil"
"Identification of barriers that impact communication in project management"
"Numerical and experimental investigation of phase change heat transfer in radially finned tubes"
"Method for analyzing the level of automation of assembly lines in a lean manufacturing environment"
"Methodology for cost reduction barriers in the manufacturing industry"
"Rheological studies and 3D extrusion-based printing of nanocomposite hydrogels"
"Synthesis and characterization of a class of injectable, thermosensitive and biodegradable hydrogels as a substrate for cell differentiation"
The influence of microwaves on the reduction of greenhouse gases
The influence of machining strategies and thermochemical treatments on semi-spherical surfaces of hot stamping punches
The use of pedagography as a facilitation tool for the development of a Smart City – Case Studies
The use of robotics as a tool for motivation and professional training in Technological Sciences. Study of the impact of holding robotics tournaments on Science and Technology events
Adoption of Industry 4.0 concepts in Brazilian manufacturing companies: analysis of the main challenges
Allocation of soy by-products to maximize the company's profit considering energy generation
Airflow-assisted particle damper in hard turning
Comparative analysis of submerged centrifugal pump performance in the encapsulated system and the flange/flange system
Comparative analysis of substitute models applied to hydrodynamic bearings to identify defects in rotating systems
Critical analysis of the thermoelectric power generation process using a supercritical boiler consuming biomass
Critical analysis of Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification courses offered in Brazil
Analysis of the inclusion of sustainability in the Materials Selection discipline in undergraduate Engineering programs
Analysis of hydro-solar integration assisted by electrical energy storage systems in the form of hydrogen together with hydroelectric plants
Analysis of innovation management difficulties encountered by two large industrial companies in Brazil
Chemical kinetics analysis: a reduction proposal for n-Butanol/Ethanol mixtures
Analysis of turbulent flows over airfoils using large-scale simulations
Analysis of submerged lifting operations with synthetic cables using the finite element method
Analysis of thermoelastic problems in anisotropic materials using the Boundary Element Method
Analysis of rotors on ball bearings with angular contact using a reduced model with EHD contact
Finite variation sensitivity analysis assisted by artificial neural networks for designing metamaterials
Vibration analysis in a horizontal axis wind turbine
Dynamic analysis of phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials using the boundary-scaled finite element method
Dynamic analysis of turbochargers with thermo-hydrodynamic lubrication bearings
Analysis of the organizational environment of a clothing manufacturing cluster in Fortaleza (CE): potentialities and obstacles
Analysis of the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem and critical success factors for the management of business incubators
Analysis of the degree of application of knowledge management in the product development process
Analysis of the main factors observed in the organizational change processes of a company in the steel sector
Analysis and diagnosis of faults in submerged centrifugal pumping systems
Experimental analysis of the dynamics of a synchronous reciprocating compressor
Linear and non-linear analysis of the dynamic behavior of a rotor with multi-lobe hydrodynamic bearings
Experimental modal analysis of a submersible centrifugal pump using 3D laser Doppler vibrometer
Operational modal analysis applied to rotating machines
Numerical and experimental analysis of fatigue in light crankshafts
Parametric analysis of the phase change process with nanoparticles in an energy storage unit with parallel plate configuration
Retrospective and prospective analysis of the evolution of regulated and free electricity markets in Brazil
Socioeconomic and land use analysis of second-crop corn ethanol production in the Brazilian Center-West
Technical analysis of an electrical energy storage system produced by renewable sources using battery systems and hydrogen fuel cells
Decoupled thermoelastic analysis of cold-rolled silicon steel
Transient analysis of structures by modal superposition including the effects of soil-foundation interaction
Application of fuzzy logic in risk assessment of product development projects
Application of activity rules during the open phase of combinatorial reverse auctions: new system for the Brazilian electricity sector
Application of modern computational methods in the analysis of images referring to geological data
Applications of bidirectional evolutionary structural optimization using the meshless Galerkin method
Machine Learning for Automatic Measurement of Primary Spacing in Dendritic and Cellular Microstructures
Machine learning applied to power management strategy in electric vehicles
Improvement of muffle sound transmission loss using periodicity
Passive architecture in modular homes in Brazil
4D seismic data assimilation as fast-track using proxy for direct seismic modeling
Evaluation of the effectiveness of PCL composite meshes with β-TCP bioceramics obtained by the rotospinning process
Evaluation of polymer injection of decreasing concentration by laboratory-scale simulation
Assessment of wettability in pre-salt carbonates using calibrated water
Assessment of the quality of energy conversion processes in sugarcane aiming at the rational use of energy in society
Assessment of oil recovery in carbonates using calibrated water with sodium chloride reduction
Evaluation of resistance to delamination of type I glass vials for injectable products available on the Brazilian market
Performance assessment in occupational safety management in university hospital units
Evaluation of different air drying technologies for gelatin production based on different exergy indicators
Evaluation of a child restraint device in a rollover accident simulator
Evaluation of the use of citric acid solution as a food simulant for acidic products packaged in metal packaging
Evaluation of milling parameters on the surface integrity of welded Inconel 625
Technical-economic and environmental assessment of CO2 capture in the sugar-energy sector
Technical-economic and environmental assessment of marine biofuels
Bamboo as a sustainable alternative in the production of activated carbon
Characterization of discontinuities in friction welding of API X70 steel with non-consumable pin
Characterization of structural elements using three-dimensional seismic data analysis in pre-salt reservoirs in Brazil, Santos Basin
Characterization of two-phase vertical flows using ultrasound
Characterization of the porous system of carbonate reservoirs using X-ray microtomography
Characterization and monitoring of strain-induced martensite in AISI 304L steel through magnetic Barkhausen noise
Physical and aerodynamic characterization of biomass particles separated by elutriation
Petrophysical characterization of fluvial sandstones from the Marília formation (Upper Cretaceous - Bauru Basin) as an analogous reservoir model
Rheological characterization of polymeric blend for advanced oil recovery
Automatic classification of cardiac arrhythmias using a combination of neural networks
Comparison of wear resistance between pearlitic and bainitic microstructures obtained from the same railway wheel
Acoustic behavior of multilayer panels using Bond graph - case of discarded printed circuit boards
Rheological behavior of nanocellulose and pectin nanocomposite hydrogels with a focus on three-dimensional printing
Head support concept to mitigate neck injury in children under frontal impacts
Direct vertical connection of a flexible pipeline in subsea equipment
Reliability and availability of permanent downhole monitoring systems: calculation methodology, minimum sample, quality index and digitalization
Continuation of velocity in point family common image in depth
Contribution to the knowledge base on reverse logistics of heavy commercial vehicles
Closed-loop control of unsteady flows
Expert control applied to submerged centrifugal pumping
Definition and characterization of zones in a reservoir of the Barra Velha Formation in the Santos Basin, Brazil, based on the definition of electrofacies, aided by artificial neural networks, and analysis of the paleoenvironment based on the interpretation of seismic data
Performance of finite volume discretization schemes in the advective-diffusive transport equation
Development of the methodology for preparing recombined oil from a carbonate reservoir in the Brazilian pre-salt
Development of a triboelectric nanoenergy generating device based on sugarcane biochar and zinc oxide nanostructures
Development of slender milling tool with shock absorber
Development of a bactericidal/virucidal coating process applied to titanium and its alloy surfaces
Development of an active hydrodynamic bearing for application in rotating systems
Development of a package for diagnosing rotating machines based on mechanical vibrations and Bayesian analysis
Development of software for modeling tire wear projection
Development and characterization of a selective membrane obtained by the combined use of electrospinning and molecularly printed polymer
Unraveling the complexity of implementing battery-electric buses: an integrated approach
Detection of anomalies in electrocardiograms using Machine Learning techniques
Detection and tracking of barchan dunes using artificial intelligence
Determination of the propagation front of liquid injection into immiscible liquid in a vertical duct
Determination of relative permeability curves of the balanced carbonate brine-recombined oil system using a compositional simulation under reservoir conditions
Determination of longitudinal forces in shock and traction devices
Diagnosis and recommendations for the implementation of electric vehicles in Brazil
Carbon dioxide as cutting fluid in turning duplex stainless steel with carbide tools: effects on surface integrity
Effect of cavitation in hydrodynamic bearings on the dynamic behavior of rotors
Effect of low salinity water injection on oil recovery factor in fractured carbonate rocks
Effect of cracking in spur gears on the dynamic response of the rotor
Effect of Turning on Surface Integrity of Biomedical Cobalt Co-Cr-Mo Alloy
Effect of stress relief treatment on the thermal cycle of an AISI D2 matrix steel containing cryogenic stage
Effect of isothermal treatment on the stabilization of retained austenite in AISI D2 steel
Effect of T6 heat treatment on the mechanical behavior and fatigue resistance of Al-3wt%Si-2,5wt%Cu thixoforged alloy
Effects of solidification microstructure on hydrogen generation performance of Al-Zn-Sn alloys
Effects of manufacturing orientation and heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg alloy processed by additive manufacturing with selective laser melting
Effects of oil supply conditions to lubricated bearings on the dynamic behavior of the rotor
Effects of thermal cycling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Superduplex stainless steel ASTM A890/A890M - Grade 6A
Use of machine learning techniques for monitoring rotating systems via operational modal analysis
Horizontal two-phase flow in the piston pattern modeled as Traveling Wave
Estimation of gas fraction in submerged centrifugal pumping using vibration signals
Estimation and quantification of uncertainties applied to rotating machinery failure models
Estimation of water fraction in submerged centrifugal pumps using machine-learning techniques
Bioinspired Hybrid Control Strategy for a Lower Limb Robotic Exoskeleton
Multi-beam structures for piezoelectric vibrational collectors
Comparative study of two control strategies for grid-connected wind energy conversion systems with variable reluctance generators
Comparative study of surveying the efficiency curve of a small wind turbine using openfoam with different numerical approaches and experimental data
Comparative study between two tool entry strategies in face milling of SAE D2 steel
Study of the combustion of eucalyptus biomass in a fixed bed reactor applied to steam boilers
Study of the influence of wall thickness on the surface quality of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy manufactured by electron beam powder bed fusion
Study of the influence of prior heat treatment on the incremental stamping of AA7475 aluminum sheets
Study of the influence of commercial demulsifiers on the water/oil interface. Interfacial tension and viscoelastic properties of the interfacial film
Study of the influence of types of coatings on carbide tools on turning commercially pure grade 4 titanium
Study of the relative permeability of the water-CO2 system under reservoir conditions for carbonates
Study of oil recovery with wettability variations in fractured carbonate rocks
Study of resistance to CO2 corrosion of API 5L X70, ASTM A333 grade 8 and UNS S32750 steels
Study of Bi-Ni and Bi-Ni-Sn alloys for application as Thermal Interface Materials
Study of an alternative thermoelectric generation process (FGSIG/GT) consuming sugarcane bagasse mud and glycerol; sensitivity of glycerol concentration on process efficiency
Study of machining strategies in high-speed milling of D6 steel
Study of flow guarantee problems involving paraffinic oils: rheology, distribution and deposition
Processing and post-processing study of AISI H13 tool steel by powder bed fusion
Simulation study for managing gas production through WAG-CO2 injection cycles to improve the performance of fields analogous to pre-salt
Study of energy consumption during machining of a mold cavity with different strategies
Study of the performance of pearlitic and bainitic microstructures of the same hardness in a disc-on-disc wear test
Study of the effect of NaCl reduction and Mg2+ addition on oil recovery in dolomites during calibrated water injection
Study of the effect of slip and temperature on the wear resistance of a class C railway wheel steel using the disc-to-disk tribometer
Study of the processing parameters of AISI 316L steel by additive manufacturing
Study and application of minimum type control strategies in DC-DC power converters
Experimental study of fixed-bed combustion of waste from the sugar and alcohol industry
Experimental study of the influence of pipe slope and liquid viscosity on two-phase gas-liquid flow in an annular duct
Experimental study of the influence of injection flow on oil recovery in fractured carbonate rocks
Experimental study of dense two-phase liquid-vapor flow in a cascade vapor compression cycle modified with R410A refrigerant
Experimental study of the performance of a submerged centrifugal pump operating with ultra viscous oil
Experimental study of two-phase gas-liquid flow in a curved duct
Experimental study of the process of inhibition/destabilization of petroleum foams by the action of antifoam based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
Numerical and experimental study of phase change around axially finned tubes
Study on Bi-Sb system alloys for application as thermal interface material
Theoretical study of mixing viscosity and mixing friction factor models applied to oil-water flows dispersed in horizontal pipes
Theoretical and experimental study on transient liquid-liquid flow in underwater pipelines
Microstructural evolution and mechanical and corrosion resistance of ternary alloys of the Al-Si-Zn system used in brazing
Creativity tools for product development
Functionalization by anodization of cellular structures (scaffolds) of Ti-6Al-4V ELI produced by additive manufacturing for use in orthopedic implants
Urban wind generation and energy security: use of atmospheric reanalysis data to assess preliminary potential
Management of petroleum resources and the dynamics of uncertainties throughout an oil project
Integrated management of multiple reservoirs subject to operational and flow restrictions
Power management, production and control for a hybrid renewable energy system
Management of energy, water and emissions in energy-intensive segments of Brazilian industry
Project management in research laboratories: critical analysis of opportunities in resource and schedule management
Project management in industrial services and its relationship with critical success factors
Identification of the oil supply flow in hydrodynamic bearings through the dynamic response of the rotor
Identification of the contributions and main difficulties experienced by Latin American oil and gas companies in the integrated adoption of practices aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Identification of variables that influence Multiple Project Management using the Critical Chain Method
Identification of faults in rotating systems by physics-guided neural networks
Identification of parameters in rotating machines using adaptive filtering
Vision-based landmark identification for autonomous navigation
System identification using nonlinear neural networks applied to pneumatic brakes on freight railways
Image identification and classification using convolutional neural network and machine learning: Implementation in an embedded system
Identification and control of a robotic electric vehicle with electronic differential
Impact of different hydrological models on hydroelectric operation planning
Implementation of a hybrid localization system applied to autonomous navigation of land vehicles
Rock reliability indicator for projects and monitoring of oil well drilling
Integrity index for subsea wellheads based on structural reliability analysis
Minimum energy efficiency rates and use of low GWP refrigerant in split air conditioners in Brazil
Influence of the presence of the foundation on the topological optimization of piled structures
Influence of temperature on electrical energy generation in a floating photovoltaic solar plant
Influence of different thermal aging treatments on C300 maraging steel produced by selective laser melting (SLM)
Influence of geometric parameters of a centrifugal fan on the performance of a combined oven using factorial experimental design and CFD
Influence of hyaluronic acid and sodium alginate on the rheology and release of simvastatin in thermosensitive hydrogels based on pluronic F127
Influence of machining parameters on the surface integrity of CoCr biomedical alloy ASTM F75
Injection of xanthan gum and galactomannans into carbonate rocks evaluated in displacement tests
Injection of carbonated brine into carbonate rocks: effects of reactive transport
Innovation and sustainability in toner waste management for the development of polymer composites
Integration of geostatistics in the process of assimilating production data in oil reservoirs
Integration of project management tools and time buffer determination in a multiple project environment through the use of critical chain
Numerical integration of Green's functions for stratified media
Sectoral integration in Brazil: thermodynamic assessment of a power-to-methane plant
Cooperative inversion of gravimetric and reflection seismic data: an object-based approach
Marchenko inversion in one dimension
Investigation of shock-boundary layer interactions in a supersonic axial turbine
Investigation of load sharing models applied to refrigeration systems
Investigation of geometric and operational parameters in the performance of small and medium-sized wind rotors
Experimental and numerical investigation of an invariant descriptor for the conjugate cooling of protruding heaters under parallel flow in a rectangular duct
Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of heat sinks with straight fins in aligned strips (strip ends)
Numerical and experimental investigation of evacuated tube solar collector with external reflective sheet
Thermal investigation of the laser metal powder bed fusion process and analysis of the mechanical behavior of additively manufactured architectural structures
Ventilated double-glazed window with and without reflective film
LGBM for fault detection in rotating machines
Liquefaction of natural gas in the Santos Basin Pre-Salt: An alternative for monetizing reserves
Additive manufacturing based on extrusion of alginate/nanocellulose system hydrogels
Hardening and softening mechanisms in transverse wedge rolling of two magnesium alloys
Low computational effort method for analyzing vertical axis wind turbines with straight blades: implementation and practical applications
Integrated performance management method: application in the sales team of a non-durable consumer goods industry
Boundary element method applied to structures formed by thin laminated plates with coupled stretching and bending
Boundary element method applied to three-dimensional quasi-static viscoelasticity in gradually functional materials
Uncertainty reduction methodology by quantitatively assimilating well data and 4D seismic in a process integrated with reservoir modeling
Methodology to optimize smart injection well control rules for WAG-CO2 injection management
Solidification microstructures and their correlations with wear and corrosion resistance of Al-Bi-Pb system alloys
Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from thermoelectric generation using coal by adding glycerol
Modeling thermal walls for passive thermal comfort in buildings
Modeling fuel heating at high pressures
Modeling of the submerged centrifugal pump system under multiphase flow using bond graphs
Modeling and analysis of wheelchair drive module
Modeling and analysis of control systems in electronic differentials for hybrid and electric vehicles
Thermodynamic modeling of petroleum fluids
Modeling, simulation and parametric analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration system powered by photovoltaic solar energy
Model heavy structures on the ground surface as vibration attenuators
Line contact force model under elastohydrodynamic lubrication applied to radial roller bearing housings
THD lubrication model for segmented bearings considering film thickness and feed direction - theory and experiment
Mathematical model of rotating systems using the continuous segment method
Thermo-elastoplastic numerical model of the aluminothermal welding process on railway tracks
Nonlinear dynamic models for subsea lifting operations in deep waters
Monitoring multistage centrifugal pumps with Decision Trees
New combinatorial auction system for the Brazilian electricity sector: proposal to mitigate the mismatch in the contracting of generation and transmission services
New parameterization and machine learning approaches for efficient optimization of oil field management
Obtaining and characterizing rotospun polycaprolactone fibers incorporating Rosmarinus officinalis extract for dermal applications
Visual odometry using the ground texture
Adaptive optimization using artificial neural networks: application to an oil and gas production process
Optimization of the geometric characteristics of automotive torque converters
Optimization of cutting speeds to achieve the objective time at the minimum total machining cost
Optimization of a hybrid system of Renewable Energy Sources
Optimization of power management considering the characteristics of planar dynamics
Optimization of wind turbine positioning considering noise restrictions
Optimization of grain refinement, via ultrasound treatment of aluminum alloy 355 for thixoforming
Multi-objective fuzzy control optimization and design of power train architectures of plug-in hybridized vehicles
Thermodynamic optimization focused on direct injection of superhydrated ethanol in spark ignition engines
Multi-domain and multi-material acoustic topology optimization based on an evolutionary approach
Fatigue-based metal disk flexible coupling topology optimization
Topological optimization of the adhesive of glued joints constituted by the overlap of two adherends using the cohesive zone model as a rupture criterion
Evolutionary topological optimization applied to stress minimization in structures including dependent loads
Topological optimization in the design of fluid cellular actuators
Overview of the second life of vehicle batteries and analysis of the environmental footprint for an application in residential energy management in Brazil
Microstructural parameters in the formation of the bulk melt structure of alloy B319
Sound transmission loss in periodic metamaterials using the finite element wave propagation method
Sound transmission loss in double metamaterial panel
Energy poverty: an indicator based on the ability to pay for electricity services in Brazil
Hydraulic power as an indicator of primary cementation quality
Potential energy efficiency gains in dust removal systems at a steel plant
Power-to-gas: production of hydrogen through electrical energy from renewable sources and its injection into the Brazilian natural gas network
Precipitation of secondary phases in superduplex stainless steel UNS S32550
Prediction of pre-salt electrofacies from well log data from the Santos basin - Brazil, using models based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms
Methane production from substrates in ethanol and biodiesel biorefineries
Production and characterization of osteoconductive scaffolds for dental applications
Reliability-based optimization design applied to rotating systems
Design and construction of a rollover simulator for testing group II and group III car seats
Unified design of nonlinear controllers for an electrically propelled robotic airship
Wave propagation in an acoustic duct with periodic side-branch tubes
Proposed slip flow model for horizontal liquid-liquid flow
Proposing a lean philosophy training method aimed at the operational level of auto parts companies
Proposing a method for integrating multiple management tools aiming at organizational excellence in medium and large companies
Proposing a strategic guidance model for digital transformation in supply chains
Proposal for assessing competitiveness considering the internal state of organizations
Proposal for assessing competitiveness considering the internal state of organizations
Proposal for filtering the morphological framework using DFX
Proposal for integrating additive manufacturing into textile products in the feasibility study
Proposal for a methodology for selecting technologies that support competitiveness attributes in the organizations' value chain
Proposal for activity allocation methodologies, considering a Scrum structure applied to several teams
Proposal for a model for rotor-bearing-structure integration
Proposal for a parallel processing architecture using FPGA to control vibrations in intelligent structures subject to damage
Proposal for using risk factors to prioritize projects
Quantification of the effect of shear removal on paraffin deposits, an experimental investigation
Reassessment of the viability of a power generation process with thermochemical recovery using natural gas
Enhanced oil recovery by copper-containing seawater in carbonate samples
Oil recovery with injection of low salinity water enriched with metal ions in carbonate reservoirs
Oil recovery in carbonate rocks by injection of calibrated water varying the concentration of sulfate and magnesium
Rheology of Pluronic® F108 solutions in saline medium with carboxymethylcellulose and laponite® as rheological modifiers
Rheology and three-dimensional printing of caboxymethylcellulose (CMC)/laponite nanocomposite hydrogels for applications in cartilaginous tissues
Representation of wells in simulation models of naturally fractured reservoirs considering the impact of scale transfer from a discrete network of fractures
Transient response of structures interacting with the ground using a modified modal analysis
Optimized wagon sensing as an alternative to the use of instrumented wheelsets
Computer simulation of an unmanned agricultural spraying aircraft
Simulation of emissions from a modern engine using a 0D cylinder model
High-fidelity numerical simulation for landing gear noise prediction
CFD-DEM simulations using the solved method of hydraulic transport of solid particles through a very narrow tube with elbow
Sinterability of titanium aluminides prepared with a mixture of elemental powders
Synthesis and exploration of thermoacoustic engine core transfer matrix from arbitrary performance
Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of rGO/Hematite nanocomposites
Cruise control systems for three-phase switched reluctance machines applied to electric vehicles
Renewable energy systems: risk factors in investment projects using wind energy
Systematization of the calibration methodology using the digital twin technique for robots. Case study applied to industrial robots
Soft soldering of silicon with invar using tin alloys for application in optical instrumentation
Al-Ti dissimilar welding by friction stir welding
Transient solidification of Bi-Zn and Zn-Al-Bi system alloys for tribological and welding applications: microstructural evolution, mechanical and surface properties
Numerical solution of incompressible flows in flat channels with gradual expansions
Experimental dynamic substructuring of rotating machine foundations
Techniques and procedures for verification and validation of rotor analysis numerical code
Techniques for overcoming limitations to scale transfer in the numerical simulation of oil reservoirs
Fracture toughness of Ti-42Nb and Ti-5553 in sandwich structure by powder bed fusion
Residual stresses measured by acoustoelasticity in aluminum alloys welded by Friction Stir Welding
Tixoprinting 3D – A new approach to 3D printing of bioresorbable materials
CRP Tomography
Direct transformation of chips from a 356 series alloy using modified thixoinjection technique
Phase transformations and electrical resistivity in Metastable Beta Ti alloys
Energy transition and emissions reduction in Brazil: diagnosis, assessment of consumption and potential for improvement
Microstructural transition from high cooling rate cells to dendrites in the solidification of aluminum-based alloys
Turbulence in microfluidics: microfabrication, characterization and application
Turbulence in microfluidics: microfabrication, characterization and application
A contribution to the study of minimum machining thickness
A contribution to the study of machining nickel alloys
A contribution to the development of active myoelectric upper limb prostheses
An implementation of the Boundary Element Method with discontinuous bilinear elements for dynamic soil-structure interaction problems
A methodology for designing embedded systems with runtime reconfiguration based on formal computing models
Use of additive manufacturing to study nano systems
Use of ECAP in the manufacture of alloy 355 for thixoforming
Use of artificial intelligence tools in mechatronic applications - case studies
Use of neural networks and magnetic resonance profiles to estimate the permeability of carbonate reservoirs
Economic and financial viability of photovoltaic solar energy in light of credit compensation rules
Vortex-induced vibration in cylinders through computational fluid mechanics
"Analysis of water arrival in horizontal wells due to the inclusion of pressure loss in the well"
"Development of algorithms for balancing the power of cylinders of stationary natural gas engines based on feedback from the pressure measured in the cylinders"
"Output feedback control and filter design for continuous-time switched affine systems"
"Energy efficiency policies and programs for industry in Brazil: a critical assessment and routes for advancement"
"Transportation of grains over barcana dunes"
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