Unicamp Hoje - Your news channel


In the fight

One of these days, the Jornal da Unicamp came into my hands, which is published monthly, I found it very interesting, it deals with current, controversial issues, interviews with important and super intelligent personalities, as well as very good reports on very important historical contexts, I confess that I loved it. newspaper.

I am a person who loves reading, studying, and I am always open-minded to obtain new knowledge and expand my cultural life, that is why I am sending this letter to find out how to purchase this newspaper, what I should do to receive it at my house, as I would very much like to obtain it.
Lately I have been dedicating my life to studies, reading good books, great Brazilian writers of the past and newspapers; and I think it would be very important for me to be a reader of your newspaper. My biggest dream is to be a student at your university, to be part of this wonderful world that is Unicamp; I already thought about giving up on this dream because of how difficult it is to get a place at this university, but then I went back and realized that everything is possible when you have willpower, and I have that, so I will continue fighting to get my place.

I end here; I leave my address so that you can communicate with me and tell me what I should do so that I can be a reader of your newspaper. I will be eagerly awaiting news, a big hug to everyone who is part of the newspaper's editorial team, congratulations to you.

Juciane Fernandes da Silveira



It's impressive: all it takes is for someone to explain the obvious about the current policy of the State of Israel – that is: that Ariel Sharon is a Nazi; that its soldiers use the deadliest weapons to murder children and teenagers and that a sector of Israeli society practices apartheid against Palestinians – all it takes is to say that and that person will be accused of “anti-Semitism”, “falsifier of history” , “sympathetic to the Holocaust” and similar nonsense. This is what historian Peter Demant and Medad Medina, Israeli consul in São Paulo, did in the latest edition of this newspaper.

I close my participation in this artificial controversy with the words of the brilliant journalist and intellectual Michael Warchawski, in an article originally published in the magazine Foi et Developpement (nº 297, Oct.2001). In time: Warchawski is a member of an Orthodox Jewish family and has lived in Jerusalem since 1965, where he attended Talmudic school.

“The relationship of forces [between Israelis and Palestinians] has never ceased to express itself, perpetuating an increasingly humiliating asymmetry: the Palestinians must permanently show their peaceful intentions, particularly by repressing political forces hostile to the agreements, while in Israel the extreme right and the colonists were in government and running a hate-filled campaign against the Oslo Accords.

(...) The systematic violation of the signed agreements did not result solely, on Israel's part, from simple ill will or gratuitous dishonesty, but much more from an attitude: that of the teacher towards the student, the father towards the child , from the prison director to the prisoner. (...) It is a typically colonial attitude.

Typically colonial, equally, is the lack of listening to others. From the colonizer's point of view, the colonized do not have an autonomous word, nor do they have true knowledge of reality. Just like a child, you need to give him the floor, convince him of what he is and should be, teach him what is good and what is bad, including what is good for him. This is the profound reason why we don't negotiate, dictate, give... And reprimand to punish. They are happy when Palestinians demonstrate that they have learned well and rebuke them when they turn a deaf ear. Such an attitude is not only typical of stubborn negotiators and obtuse military men, it is characteristic of the entire Israeli society, including its left-wing intellectuals. This is what the editor of Haaretz, Doron Roseblum, ironically denounced using the word 'didactic style'.

(...) It is on the basis of a true racist mentality and the behaviors of conquerors that Israel recognized the PLO in 1993 and tried to resolve the conflict in six years.”

José Arbex
Professor, historian and journalist



Dear journalists, I am in favor of the creation of an independent Palestinian state. I respect people’s right to self-determination. However, I write to you to record my deepest regret regarding the total misinformation of the majority of Brazilian media professionals regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the consequence of this lack of training and information makes them express themselves in a biased way regarding the issue.

When I was a scientific student and frequented the “quadrilateral of culture” in Sampa, the biggest names in journalism were those who “graduated on garden benches”, as they defined themselves, and were part of our country's intellectual elite. I prefer to continue believing that the lack of objectivity that currently prevails in our media is due solely to the flaws in secondary and higher education in our country and not to a latent anti-Jewish feeling.

Etel S. Wengier



João Maurício, congratulations on your work on the February edition of Jornal da Unicamp. The presentation of the newspaper, the layout and the text were very good.

Rubens H. Sonntag



The article about RTVUnicamp is very good. Well articulated, clear and enlightening. Congratulations and thank you.

Carlos Bottesi



Dear Carlos Lemes, I received the Jornal da Unicamp a few days ago. I really liked the article (“Why they want to kill themselves”, November/2001 edition), it was really cool. Congratulations, you did a good job.

Blanca Werlang
Researcher interviewed by JU


� 1994-2002 State University of Campinas
University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP