Exhibition shows collection of rare periodicals from the 19th century
The “Patriota”, a literary newspaper, composed in the first Brazilian typography and published by Imspiração Régia, from 1813 to 1814, whose main editor was Manuel Ferreira de Araújo Guimarães, is one of the 11 rare titles that make up the exhibition “Periódicos do Século 19 ”, set up in the Rare Works Collection area of the Cesar Lattes Central Library at Unicamp. The pages written by the Marquês de Maricá e Silva Alvarenga are gathered in a bound copy from the Paulo Duarte Collection acquired by Unicamp.
Among the prominent names are José Bonifácio de Andrade e Silva, Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, Joaquim Felício dos Santos, Olavo Bilac and the illustrators Julião Machado and Angelo Agostini.
During the selection of the most important periodicals from the Rare Works Collection of the 19th century, librarian Marta Ribeiro do Val identified political, literary and illustrated magazines from the Brazilian periodical press.
The exhibition is an opportunity to learn about the profile of publications of the time, one of the most important moments in the press. Gathered in the same exhibition, the works allow us to learn a little more about the Brazilian periodical press, when writers and novelists behaved in opposition to the monarchy.
Another periodical on display, “Tamoyo”, written by Jose Bonifácio de Andrada, is a doctrinaire newspaper that opposed the government and reflected “Andradist” thinking. The title of the publication originated from the Tamoio Indians, fiercely opposed to the Portuguese, and “Malagueta”, a political periodical, directed by Luis Augusto May, an Independence polemicist.
The Special Collections and Rare Works librarian said she chose the titles because of the importance that these publications represented at that time for the country. The selection, according to her, is rigorous, as it is the moment in which the internal and external community can better understand the collection of the Rare Works Collection.
According to the director of Special Collections and Rare Works, Tereza Cristina de Oliveira Nonatto de Carvalho, the objective of this exhibition is to give greater visibility and publicize the rare collection of the Cesar Lattes Central Library to the entire academic community.
For this exhibition, the collections of the Rare Works Collection Paulo Duarte, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Alexandre Eulálio, Eugênio de Toledo Artigas, Oswaldo Peckolt and Theodoro Peckot were consulted.
Visits can be made until April 30, from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 17 pm, at the Rare Works Collection, 3rd floor of the Cesar Lattes Central Library.