DAfter acting directly as conceptual and methodological support in the implementation of Unicamp's Strategic Planning – Planes – consultant and professor Eliezer Arantes da Costa is launching the second edition of the book “Strategic Management – From the Company We Have to the Company We Want” ( Editora Saraiva, 2007).
In 2003, this same work served as a reference for the first Planes multiplier training course at the University, taught at the time by Eliezer himself, and which has now reached the public, revised and expanded, delving into topics that interest business administration students. , and presenting an arsenal of tools for managers in institutions of different types.
In its first edition, the book was made up of five parts, divided into 16 chapters. In this second version, the author added a sixth part, with four new chapters. “The work is structured to promote an integrated, theoretical and practical view of organizational strategies”, he explains.
For rector José Tadeu Jorge, who signed the presentation of this second edition, the book adds new and important thematic segments. “The author extends his interest to an even wider field of readers, allowing the expansion of his field of application, such as MBA courses, postgraduate programs and executive demands at their various levels”.
In the five topics that make up the first edition, Eliezer had covered topics such as Motivation for Strategy, Conceptualization of Strategy, Strategic Analysis, Formulation of Strategies, and Implementation of Strategic Management. In the sixth topic, added in the second edition, the author introduces the theme of Deepening, distributed from chapters 17 to 20. Topics such as the application of Game Theory concepts in the formulation of cooperative and competitive strategies, various management tools, and a comprehensive checklist for strategic diagnosis.
Graduated in electronic engineering from ITA in 1962, with a postgraduate degree from Unicamp, Eliezer says he is passionate about the topic of strategic management. “The future of every organization, whether private, public or even a third sector entity, must be built by the business community itself”, he declares.
The consultant attributes his interest in the topic to the professional experience obtained in two phases of his professional career. The first, at Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, from 1963 to 1974, where he worked in the area of operational research, under the guidance of international consultant Jorgen Elbrond, and the second, from 1975 to 1994, when he worked in support of the renowned international consultant, Igor Ansoff, in the implementation of the strategic management system at Promon.
Since then, Eliezer hasn't stopped. Even after retiring in 1994, he continued working in the field, as a business consultant, as a university professor, and as a researcher. “This book is the result of all this experience”, he emphasizes. According to him, the main difficulty that organizations must overcome when implementing strategic management is the challenge of changing their management culture. “To achieve this, the idea has to be embraced and implemented at the top, but it needs to be sustained and supported by the base.”
For Eliezer, Unicamp is a typical case of well-implemented strategic management. Although the Strategic Planning process was resumed only four years ago, with broad community participation, the structures, according to the consultant, are well consolidated. “The methodology adopted and implemented will allow Planes to continue its work regardless of political or administrative changes in the direction of the University”, he explains. And he adds: “good consultancy is one that develops the organization’s autonomy – and not one that cultivates a relationship of dependence with the consultant”.