The crater and the asteroid strike
Perspective image of the digital elevation model of the region of the Santa Catarina municipality of Varge�o. The almost circular-shaped depression represents an eroded crater 12 km in diameter, with all the signs of an asteroid collision, which occurred between 70 and 110 million years ago. The crater was discovered by professor Alvaro Crosta, from the Unicamp Geosciences Institute. |
Reform meets the market, says Francisco de Oliveira Pension reform aims to generate cash and meet market interests. The opinion is from sociologist and professor Francisco de Oliveira (photo), who participated at Unicamp, on the 12th, in the debate �Pension Reform and the Future of the University�. According to Francisco de Oliveira, who was one of the founders of the PT, the government's "darker" objective is to "invent supplementary pension funds." Simulations reveal that these funds will generate, by 2010, R$670 billion. �What is hidden behind the reform is big business. And big business, in the capitalist system, cannot be done without negotiation, criticizes Francisco de Oliveira. |