New control equipment
access will be produced on an industrial scale
Company incubated in
Unicamp develops innovative technology
Ttechnology developed by Griaule Digital Print Recognition, a company housed in the Unicamp Technology-Based Business Incubator (Incamp), has just arrived on the market with the promise of providing more efficiency and agility to the access and point control system of private organizations, public offices and even prison units. Unlike the conventional model currently in use, which only checks fingerprints, the new equipment, unique in the world according to its creator, identifies these signs. Named Rex2, the device represents a milestone for Incamp, as it is the first project designed by the incubated companies to be produced on an industrial scale.
An important boost to the production of Rex2 came from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), a funding agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT). At the beginning of December, Finep released R$168 to be invested in publicizing and improving the product, specifically regarding its presentation. According to Griaule owner Iron Daher, the metal housing of the fingerprint collector will be replaced by plastic. The resources obtained by the company come from the Sectoral Fund for Information Technology (CT-Info).
According to Daher, the technology developed by his company has a series of advantages over conventional access and point control systems. These, he states, only check the signs. Currently, when an employee arrives at their workplace, they are required to enter a password before placing their right index finger in front of a sensor. Only after both procedures is the worker allowed entry and the point registered. Rex2, says Daher, does not require a password. "As soon as the person places their finger on the collector, the equipment immediately identifies who that fingerprint belongs to and shows their name and registration number on the display. At the same time, the system allows access and marks the time", he explains. The time spent, in this case, is three times less, which avoids queues when arriving and leaving work.
Another advantage of Rex2, according to the businessman, is that the equipment uses the same internet communication protocol, TCP/IP. In other words, the company that already has a network will not need to make any adaptations to receive the new technology. A multinational based in Japan will be able to control the frequency of its employees in Brazil, for example. "This greatly reduces costs. Our product is 30% cheaper than those currently on the market, although it is more technologically advanced", says Daher. Furthermore, access and time control can be done using a simple personal computer, which will be connected to the collectors. This PC will record all the data and store the fingerprint record.
According to Daher, the application of Rex2 is not restricted to small, medium and large companies and public offices. The equipment has already been in operation in four prisons in Sergipe for around four months. One of the functions of technology, according to the director of Griaule, is to prevent leaks during visiting hours. Thus, when a visitor arrives at the prison unit, his fingerprint is registered. When leaving, he is forced to identify himself again. This prevents the detainee from changing places with a relative or friend and gaining freedom illegally. "The Rex2 can also be used in classrooms. Today, teachers waste around 5% of their time calling students and filling out lists. With the fingerprint collector, all it takes is for the student to place their finger on the sensor, so that its presence is automatically registered", highlights Daher.
According to the businessman, Griaule maintains a partnership with two integrators, which hold around 60% of the fingerprint collector market in Brazil. The forecast is that close to 3 thousand units will be sold throughout 2003. At the beginning of next year, the company will promote a road-show in six Brazilian capitals to present the Rex2 to large companies. At the same time, Daher will be initiating understandings to place the new technology on the international market.