Read this issue
Chair Diary
Krieger: performance of
Glass bottles versus PET
Development challenges
Velasco and Cruz: essay
tomato production
Basic cycle 2 - new
Down syndrome: folic acid
Theses of the week
State budget
The scenic word

Professor Sebastião Velasco e Cruz (above), from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at Unicamp (IFCH), brought together in the book Globalization, Democracy and Institutional Order nine essays that range from Brazil's economic policy contemporary to themes related to the geostrategic dimension of globalization. In an interview with Jornal da Unicamp, Velasco e Cruz talks about his work and analyzes the role of rich and peripheral states in the current situation. Globalization and its effects were also revisited by professors Ajit Singh (below, right), from the University of Cambridge, and Alberto Salazar Valle (below, left), from York University. Both participated in the seminar “The Challenges of Development in the 6st Century”, held on the 7th and XNUMXth at Unicamp.

Photo: Antonio ScarpinettiPhoto: Antonio Scarpinetti

Photo: DisclosureExperts discuss scientific production
Scientists from all areas of knowledge participated at Unicamp, on the 10th, in the symposium “Scientific Production in Brazil”. For the president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), Eduardo Moacyr Krieger, the release of federal resources should be conditioned on the performance of universities. In the opinion of the president of ABC, the country will only expand its scientific production if it manages to train and maintain good staff.

Photo: Antoninho PerriWith Clarice Lispector. In the thesis and on stage.

Clarice Lispector's writings inspired her master's thesis and the theatrical show Uma Aprendizagem de Sabores, both created by student and actress Theda Cabrera.

Amendments may include Unicamp

Basic 2 gains computer rooms

Photo: DisclosureThe Unicamp Newspaper returns in February

This is the last edition of the year. The Jornal da Unicamp returns to circulation in February 2005.


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