“Abelian-by-nilpotent groups of homologous type FP_3” (PhD). Candidate: Claudenir Freire Rodrigues. Advisor: professor Dessislava Hristova Kochloukova. December 4th, at 10 am, in room 253 at Imecc.
“Analysis of genes related to the formation of dental enamel in families with a recessive form of amelogenesis imperfecta” (PhD). Candidate: Maria Cristina Leme Godoy dos Santos. Advisor: professor Sérgio Roberto Peres Line. December 15th, at 8:30 am, at FOP.
“Assessment of skeletal maturation in the Brazilian population through analysis of cervical vertebrae” (master’s degree). Candidate: Maria de Paula Caldas. Advisor: professor Francisco Haiter Neto. December 8th, at 14 pm, at FOP.
“Studies aimed at the construction of 6-Aza-[4.5.0]-spirobicyclodecane systems. Application in the synthesis of halichlorin and analogues” (doctorate). Candidate: Andréa Leal de Sousa. Advisor: professor Ronaldo Aloise Pilli. December 7th, at 9 am, on IQ.
“The structure of the medulla and its influence on the mechanical and color properties of hair” (PhD). Candidate: Rita de Cássia Comis Wagner. Advisor: professor Inés Joekes. December 7th, at 9 am, in the IQ mini-auditorium.
“Methodological developments in solid phase microextraction coupled to gas and liquid chromatography” (PhD). Candidate: Adilson Sartoratto. Advisor: professor Fabio Augusto. December 7th, at 14 pm, in room F-10 at IQ.
“Solvation of alkaloids in supercritical fluids by molecular dynamics simulation” (PhD). Candidate: Frank Wilson Fávero. Advisor: professor Munir Salomão Skaf. December 7th, at 14 pm, in the IQ mini-auditorium.