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Natural riches
Water under alert
Nepp: healthcare in Latin America
Planes at Unicamp
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Antonio Candido
Doctor-patient relationship
Drug dosage
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Unicamp in the media
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Highlights from the Unicamp Portal last week

Photo: Neldo CantantiConsu holds 100th meeting
and awards scientific initiation

The University Council (Consu) of Unicamp held its 28th ordinary meeting on November 100th. The rector of the University, professor José Tadeu Jorge, welcomed the newly appointed directors of Units: professors Paulo Mazzafera, from the Institute of Biology (IB); Gláucia Pastore, from the Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA); Leandro Palermo Júnior, from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (FEC); and Jaime Vaz, from the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing (Imecc).

Presiding over the Consu meeting, the rector directed the ceremony to hand over certificates to the awarded students at the XIV Internal Congress of Scientific Initiation at Unicamp, held on the 27th and 28th of September. There were 20 award winners: Gisele Alves Nunes, Cristiane Renata de Lima Prestes, Débora Cristina Bondance Rocha, Mônica Cristina Garbin, Simone Tiago Domingos, Anderson Gonçalves, Edna Marina de Souza, Marília Meira Dias, Priscila Pimentel Collier, Rodrigo Secolin, Bruno Silva Rodriguez Miguez, Evandro Mendes Alexandrino, Maria Fernanda Pereira Grisolia, Roberto Breglio Marchesini, Alexandre Rodrigues, Caio Leandro Alves, Cristina Yuki Korogui, Danilo Ribeiro de Lima, Juliana Maria Gonçalves Nogueira and Luiz Fernando Milan. The work received funding from Pibic/CNPq, SAE/Unicamp and Fapesp, among others.

This year, in addition to the book and certificate, the students received R$3 each, within the University's Strategic Planning (Planes) proposal.

Unicamp journalist competes for the Feac Award
Journalist Raquel do Carmo Santos, from Jornal da Unicamp, is a finalist for the 9th Fundação Feac de Jornalismo Award, which will be awarded on December 5th. She competes in the House Organ category, with the article “The art of breaking down barriers with your fingertips”, published in issue 313. The article shows the efforts of Fabiana Bonilha, visually impaired, who defended her master's thesis at Unicamp. It is the second time that Raquel reaches the final of the award. In the 2004 edition, she was also a finalist competing in the online journalism category, with a text about the Teia do Saber project.

The finalists for the 2006 Feac Journalism Award were nominated by twenty members of a judging committee representing ten institutions. The 18 candidates will compete for prizes of R$3.300 per category and also for the Feac-CPFL Journalism Grand Prize, worth another R$4.000. They will also participate free of charge in an unprecedented specialization course in Journalism for Sustainable Development, offered by Facamp – Faculdades de Campinas, one of the partners of the ninth edition.

“Reading as a tool for human development and social inclusion” was this year’s theme. With master sponsorship from CPFL Energia and support from Fundação Educar DPaschoal, the Feac Award is the first created in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, in recognition of media coverage of topics related to the efforts of organized communities for social inclusion and sustainable development.

See detailed notes


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Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP