Short story contest
consecrates three and publishes 40
FThe winners of the “Unicamp Year 29” short story competition, held as part of the celebration of Unicamp’s 40th anniversary, were announced last Wednesday, the 40th. First place was won by Marisa Lajolo, with the short story “Fernando Pessoa, meu dear Watson”; second was Helena Ortiz, author of the short story “Vulvera vitae”; Third place went to José Mário Arruda Toledo, with “O Jogo de Caxangá”.
The award will be presented on the 12th, at the University Council, starting at 9 am. The first three placed will receive respectively R$7, R$3 and R$1. The judging panel was made up of writers Alcir Pécora, Alcides Villaça and Marco Aurélio Cremasco. The committee in charge of the “Unicamp 40 years” essay competition judged this competition to be empty, with none of the works presented being awarded an award.
670 short story writers from Brazil and Portuguese-speaking countries participated in the competition. Given the interest aroused by the initiative, Unicamp decided to make the competition permanent, holding it every two years. The 40 best short stories from the 2006 contest will be collected in a book by Editora da Unicamp.
The 37 short stories chosen by the committee to compose the book with the three winners are the following: “Beleza”, by Rinaldo Nunes Fernandes; “The sailboat on the wall”, Romeo de Oliveira P. Ferrari; “Cacholetas”, Marcos José Ferraz Carvalho; “Funil”, Jadson Barros Neves; “Messe”, Renato Cabral Rezende; “The Shelter”, André Luis Rodrigues; “Touchstone”, Márcia Regina Altilio Moreira; “Interval”, Priscilla Bitencourt Freitas; “Magic Bird”, Marina Tschernyschew; “Eco da Madrugada”, Jairo Vianna Ramos; “Rosário de Maria – O Tadinho”, Gabriel Araújo dos Santos; “Madrugada de Abril”, Rodrigo Alfonso Figueira; “Like a poet”, Lídia Maria de Melo; “Everything”, Wagner Donizete Guedes; “The servant”, Amílcar Torrão Filho; “Moacir leaning against the wall”, Cássio Henrique Dyna Corrêa Lorato; “Centenary of the birth of an unknown writer”, José Augusto Penteado Aranha; “Suicide of an obsessive-compulsive”, Carlos Augusto de Mattos; “The Philosopher”, Luis Antonio Vadico; “Porró do beco das almas”, Benilson Antonio Toniolo Oliveira; “Separation”, Carlos Alberto Silva; “Two exemplary fragments of a satanic topic”, Bruno Penteado Natividade Moreto; “Romae Similiter Romanibus”, Luiz Felipe Moreira Lima; “Sundays in the park”, Maria José Rios Peixoto da Silveira Lindoso; “Artificial flavor”, Nelson de Oliveira; “The boy and the Virgin”, Bruno Gasparetti Braga; “Insônia blues”, Márcio Scheel; “The Translator”, Myriam Ermelinda Macedo Fragoso; “Desarranco”, Romero César Gomes; “João Nobody”, Alexandre Ferreira Dal Farra Martins; “The Crows”, Edenilson Mikuska; “Fois gras in black and white”, Raquel Ripari Neger; “La Abuela or From the Life of Ants”, Ovídio Poli Junior; “Everything has its time”, Giselle Fiorini Bohn; “Flat analytical geometry”, Maurício Fiorito de Almeida; “End of afternoon”, Wenceslao Machado de Oliveira Junior; “Destino”, Jeane Medeiros Silva.
the awardees
She is from São Paulo, but was raised in Santos. She studied Literature at the University of São Paulo, where she completed her master's and doctorate degrees. She is a retired professor at Unicamp and a professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She is the author of several books and essays on literature and a novel, Destino em Aberto.
She is from Rio Grande do Sul based in Rio de Janeiro, author of the books of poems Pedaço de mim (Ed. T&T, Porto Alegre, 1995), Margaridas (Ed. Blocos, Rio de Janeiro, 1997), Azul e sem caso (Ed. Blocos), In pair (Editora da Palavra, 2001) and Sun on the flood (Editora da Palavra, 2005).
Known as J. Toledo, he was born in São Paulo and lives in Campinas. He is a writer, journalist, visual artist and photographer. He wrote the following books: Flávio de Carvalho - the emotion eater (Brasiliense/Unicamp, 1994), A divina com media – bizantina chronicles (Brasiliense, 1996), Dictionary of illustrious suicides (Record, 1999) and Two whiskeys in Capernaum (Record , 2006).