Sunscreen fights cancer
A study of dibenzoylmethane derivatives revealed interesting characteristics to improve skin protection against the incidence of ultraviolet rays, specifically in the UVC range, in addition to showing activity against the proliferation of melanoma cells and other tumors (breast and lung) in in vitro tests. The derivatives are stable to UVC irradiation, remaining unchanged for a period of nine hours.
Conventional sunscreens act specifically in the UVA and UVB bands, which are more common.
The UVC band does not normally reach the Earth's surface, as it is blocked by the ozone layer, but the increase in holes in the layer increases the risk of skin cancer. The effectiveness of derivatives against UVC has already been proven, as well as the expansion of the range of protection. The anti-melanoma activity has been confirmed in vitro. “But we don’t know how the product acts against cancer in the body”, ponders Professor Anita Jocelyne Marsaioli, from the Department of Organic Chemistry, one of the authors of the invention.
“The merit in the project goes to Dr. Marisa Alves Nogueira, who carried out post-doctoral work under my guidance. This work was inspired by unusual flavones isolated by Marisa during her doctorate, supervised by professor Eva Gonçalves Magalhães. These flavones are polysubstituted dibenzoylmethanes, which caught the attention of Marisa and Eva due to the various biological activities presented – bactericidal, fungicidal and cytotoxic – against Artemia salina (shrimp)”, explains Anita.
According to the professor, these initial phase studies evolved and migrated to the production of various derivatives based on commercial sun filters, as it is cheaper and easier to obtain results. “The next step is production on a larger scale, in order to obtain a formulation of the product and test its qualities in tumor cells from animals and people”, she anticipates.
Nitric oxide controls blood pressure
The nitrosation system developed by researchers from Unicamp's Institute of Chemistry (IQ) allows nitrosiols to be synthesized via an alternative route, using a gaseous mixture of nitric oxide and oxygen, through controlled bubbling in a liquid containing amino acids. The synthesized compounds are S-nitrosothiols that provide nitric oxide, a molecule that has several important functions in the human body, including controlling blood pressure and defending the body against infectious agents.
The other patent – formulation of S-nitrosothiols – is an application of the method by replacing the bubbling liquid with polyethylene glycol, a viscous liquid compatible with blood, non-toxic and which allows for more effective treatment as the drug is gradually released. , in addition to providing greater stability and durability to the product.
“The product is obtained with a high degree of purity and can be prepared directly in various forms of application, such as ointments and gels”, explains Amedea Barozzi Seabra, a doctoral student participating in the invention. “In addition to the advantages of a simpler and more versatile synthesis, the formulations developed are non-toxic and can be applied to the skin, in the treatment of infections such as cutaneous leishmaniasis”, explains professor Marcelo Ganzarolli de Oliveira, coordinator of the group that developed the patents. .
The synthesized S-nitrosothiols have several important pharmacological actions. “The creamy consistency allows topical application to the skin. Furthermore, ointments or gels can be irradiated with visible light (phototherapy) to intensify the beneficial effects of the release of nitric oxide”, continues Oliveira. The professor adds that the development of the product has been discussed with professionals in the medical and biological areas, with the expectation of transferring the patent technology to the national pharmaceutical industry.
The winning inventions
Invento: Test Method for Genetic Deafness
authorship: Edi Lúcia Sartorato.
Utility: Simplifies and makes exams cheaper for early diagnosis of deafness.
Invento: Potentiometric Sensor for Detection of Uric Acid and Biomolecules with Similar Physicochemical Properties Employing a Polymeric Membrane Doped with Iron (III) Ions
authorship: Lauro Tatsuo Kubota, Graciliano de Oliveira Neto and Júlio Cesar Bastos Fernandes.
Utility: Fast and accurate tests of uric acid levels.
Invento: Potentiometric Sensor for Determination of Dopamine and Derivatives Using Flow Injection Analysis System
authorship: Lauro Tatsuo Kubota, Laércio Rover Júnior, Júlio César Bastos Fernandes and Graciliano de Oliveira Neto.
Utility: Dopamine concentration tests.
Invento: Raw Material and Process for the Manufacturing of Optical Filters in the Ultra Violet and Visible Region.
authorship: Carlos Kenichi Suzuki, Raul Fernando Cuevas Rojas, Roberto Nunes Szente and Paulo Henrique de Godoy.
Utility: Using hospital waste waste as an optical filter
Invento: Obtaining New Dibenzoylmethane Derivatives that Show Antineoplastic Activity and Potential Application as Sunscreens
authorship: Anita Jocelyne Marsaioli, Aderbal Farias Magalhães, Débora Nakai Biloti, Eva Gonçalves Magalhães, Francisco Benedito Teixeira Pessine, João Ernesto de Carvalho, Luciana Konecny Kohn, Márcia Aparecida Antonio and Marisa Alves Nogueira.
Utility: Protection against skin cancer.
Invento: Recycling Process of Homogeneous Catalysts in Two-Phase Liquid Systems Containing Polymer and Organic Solvents.
authorship: Watson Loh, Luiz Henrique Mendes da Silva, Ricardo Gomes da Rosa, Marcos Spitzer and Laura Martinelli.
Utility: Reuse of catalysts in fine chemical processes.
Invento: Nitrosation System Based on Bubbling a Gas Mixture of Nitric Oxide and Air, for the Nitrosation of Thiols and Other Substrates.
authorship: Marcelo Ganzarolli de Oliveira, Jarbas José Rodrigues Rohwedder, Amedea Barozzi Seabra and Sílvia Mika Shishido.
Utility: Alternative method of preparing drugs for controlling blood pressure.
Invento: Formulations of S-Nitrosothiols Donors of Nitric Oxide Incorporated in Poly(ethylene glycol), Poly(ethylene glycol)/water and Poly(ethylene glycol)/ethylene glycol matrices, and Methodology for their preparation.
authorship: Marcelo Ganzarolli de Oliveira, Amedea Barozzi Seabra and Sílvia Mika Shishido.
Utility: Controlled-release medication for blood pressure control and dermatological applications.
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