Unicamp Hoje - Your news channel

- A evolution of
..a paradigm

- A country with science

- Science and innovation

- Quality and

- Publish or
..do not publish

- Recruiting

- "Brazil Cost"

- Considerations
.. endings

A contribution from teachers
from Unicamp for the debate

It is said that the famous English mathematician Michael Atiyah solved
Explain to your mother the nature of your activities. After
had listened attentively to her son's explanations, the good lady would have
said: “I think now I understand what you do; but tell me one
thing, why do they pay you for that?”
The question that, according to the anecdote, Mrs. Atiyah would have asked
to your son is also frequently asked by politicians,
administrators and society in general. The relevance of
public resources are invested in scientific and technological research
in any country, but particularly in developing countries
like ours, with notable social needs, must be constantly
re-demonstrated with new and eloquent arguments. In these times
where the simple arithmetic of publications and citations begins
losing breath, it is necessary to recover humanist arguments
– which support the nobility of the constant search for knowledge –
and the pragmatists – who show that research is the basis of innovation,
essential to economic development and wealth generation.

� 1994-2002 State University of Campinas
University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP
Email: ipress@obelix.unicamp.br