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- A evolution of
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- A country with science

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- "Brazil Cost"

- Considerations
.. endings


In this contribution, we analyze the nature of science and the appropriation and use of knowledge in a modern society with a special focus on the situation in peripheral countries, especially ours. Despite Brazil having a significant group of good-quality scientists and injecting relatively large resources, taking into account its social reality, in funding research, science and the scientific mentality are not yet fully incorporated into our society.

This situation derives mainly from the tremendous social exclusion of a large part of the population. Our educational system leaves out quality formal education, particularly science education, a large part of our youth. In this sense, we realize that it is not enough to inject resources into programs that aim to equip some laboratories considered to be of excellence. These programs alone are not sufficient, as the problems faced in developing science and harnessing the fruits of scientific research are almost always human resources problems.

Consequently, the main challenge that Brazil faces seems to be the establishment of a solid public education system that allows the country as a whole to be included in the development of a science that is not dissociated from major national problems. For this to happen, a great mobilization of society as a whole is necessary, as the required transformation is essential so that the resources invested in research can, in fact, bear fruit, both in relation to the contribution that the science we do here will make to the advancement knowledge and in relation to improving the quality of life of our population.

� 1994-2002 State University of Campinas
University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP
Email: ipress@obelix.unicamp.br