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Magna Class - On the 25th, at 14 pm, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), professor Luiz Barco, from the University of São Paulo (USP), welcomes the freshmen of medicine, nursing, speech therapy and pharmacy and their families , officially opening Freshman Week 2008 in the health sector.

Citizenship Hazing - Students from Unicamp and the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption promote, from the 25th to the 29th, the “Citizenship for Conscious Consumption Hazing”. For five days, veterans and freshmen from 37 courses will be united in a different experience of university mobilization in favor of sustainability. There are more than 2 thousand students participating in the Hazing and having direct contact with concepts and practices of conscious consumption. The objective is to raise awareness among the academic community, indirectly reaching around 40 thousand people and more than 100 thousand inhabitants of the neighborhoods surrounding Unicamp, through hazing activities that deviate from the traditional humiliating actions for freshmen and which, often, lead to acts of violence.

Launch - Language and Theater Disorders (Plexus Editora e Livraria da Vila), written by professor José Tonezzi, is the book that will be launched on the 26th, starting at 19 pm, at Livraria da Vila (Rua Fradique Coutinho, 915, in São Paulo-SP). At the event there will be a tap dance performance with Luiz Baldijão, and a choro performance with the group Any Nota. Tonezzi is an actor, teacher and theater director. With a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts, he has a Master's degree in Educational Psychology from Unicamp, where he was also a researcher at the Aphasic Community Center (CCA) at the Institute of Language Studies (IEL).

30 years of Nursing - On the 27th, the undergraduate Nursing course at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) begins celebrating its 30th anniversary. The formal opening session will be in the main hall of the FCM, at 9 am, with the reception of the 2008 freshmen, the presentation of the welcome video and the theater play “Rataplan”, by the group TrabalhAtores da Unicamp. On the same day, professor Maria Isabel Pedreira de Freitas Ceribelli, from the Department of Nursing, gives the lecture “Do I neglect or do I care?” and the Organizing Committee of the “Overcoming limits and conquering new spaces” competition awards the R$1 prize to Luciane Raquel Giorgio Gardesani, for creating the winning logo for the 30th anniversary of the undergraduate Nursing course.

Inaugural class - The Pro-Rector of Postgraduate Studies at Unicamp, professor Tereza Dib Zambon Atvars, will give a speech on the 28th, at 10 am, in the FM-40 classroom, located at the “Gabriel Porto” Research and Rehabilitation Center (Cepre), class inaugural for the first class of the professional master’s course “Health, Interdisciplinarity and Rehabilitation”.

Health Actions - The courses of medicine, speech therapy, dentistry, physical education, biology and the Institute of Language Studies (IEL) will hold the Actions in Health project on the 28th, from 9 am to 17 pm, in Largo do Rosário, in Campinas. The event is part of Calourada 2008. On that day, 21 tents will be set up where 600 veterans, freshmen and supervisors will carry out free blood glucose, cholesterol, visual acuity, blood pressure tests, hearing screening and physical activities. In addition to these services, preventive and educational activities in the health area, preparation of CVs and letters, reading circles and referral of people interested in literacy to appropriate institutions will be part of the actions of young university students. The Actions in Health project is coordinated by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG) at Unicamp.

Launch - Marco Catalão, poet and translator graduated in Literature from Unicamp, launches on the 28th, the book “Before Tomorrow”. It will be at Pizzeria Estação Santa Fé, in Barão Geraldo (Albino José Barbosa de Oliveira, 1265), from 18 pm. The publication is made up of a set of songs whose central theme is love. Other information: 19-3289-4800.

Cipa - The deadline for individual registration of candidates to be members of the Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents at Work (Cipa) will close on the 25th. Registrations can be made at the following locations and times: at Cipa Central (Basic Cycle I), from 9 am to 17 hours; at DGRH (reception) from 9 am to 17 pm, and at the Sector Cipas of Caism, HC, FCM, FEA, IFGW, IB and IQ. On the 18th, 19th and 20th of February there will be registration hours at the University Restaurant, from 11 am to 14 pm; at the Multidisciplinary Center for Chemical, Biological and Agricultural Research (CPQBA), on the 15th, from 10 am to 11 am, and at the Unicamp Technical College (Cotuca), on the same day, from 14 pm to 15 pm. The election of members takes place on March 11th and 12th, from 9 am to 16 pm, with the exception of units whose activities take place at night or in shifts, which will have extended hours according to their needs. Voting is mandatory.

Specialization - The Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA), through its extension secretariat, receives, until March 2nd, inscriptions for the specialization course (extension modality) “Food Quality and Safety Management”. Its target audience is managers, group heads, managers and consultants in the areas of Quality Control and Food Safety System. Classes will be held on Fridays, from 15 pm to 22:30 pm, and on Saturdays, from 8 am to 17 pm, in the FEA main hall. For further information, call 19-3521-04094 or e-mail (Ana Maria Silva).

Housing Course - Classes for the 2008 free pre-university course of the Student Housing Program (PME), an organization linked to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG), begin on March 3rd. More information.


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2008 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP