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Art - “Study of the musical dramaturgy in L'Orfeo, by Cláudio Monteverdi, carried out based on the composer's tonal language: a proposal for modern orchestration as a dramaturgical resource” (doctorate). Candidate: Abel Rocha. Advisor: professor Eduardo Ostergren. The 25th, at 14 pm, in the IA Postgraduate room.

“A rescue of São Paulo’s musical heritage: musicological transcriptions and analytical considerations of three masses attributed to Manoel José Gomes, chapel master in Campinas” (doctorate). Candidate: Vívian Lis Ferreira Nogueira Dias. Advisor: professor Lenita Mendes Nogueira. Day 26, at 10 am, in the room of the IA Postgraduate Committee.

Biology - “Structure and biometry of the ovary of adult rats Ucha and Uchb (voluntary ethanol consumers)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Luiz Gustavo de Almeida Chuffa. Advisor: professor Francisco Eduardo Martinez. Day 26, at 9 am, in the IB thesis defense room.

“Chromatin superorganization and extensibility and nuclear composition in mouse cells” (PhD). Candidate: Alberto da Silva Moraes. Advisor: professor Maria Luiza Mello. Day 26, at 14 pm, in the IB thesis defense room.

“Ethnoichthyology of artisanal fishermen from Vila de Picinguaba, Ubatuba-SP” (master’s degree). Candidate: Carolina Marocco Corneta. Advisor: Professor Ivan Sazima. Day 26, at 14 pm, in room 11 of IB.

“Effects of the association of cadmium chloride and guarana (Paullinia cupana) on the testis of Wistar rats: morphometric, structural and ultrastructural analysis” (master’s degree). Candidate: Rodrigo Paula Leite. Advisor: professor Mary Anne Heidi Dolder. Day 26, at 9 am, in the IB congregation room

“Bee midgut metamorphosis: cell proliferation or migration?” (master's degree). Candidate: Lilian Cruz. Advisor: professor Mary Anne Heidi Dolder. 26th, at 14 pm, in the IB congregation room.

“Geographical patterns and community structure of the herbaceous stratum of the Southern Atlantic Forest” (master’s degree). Candidate: Leandro Tavares Vieira. Advisor: professor Fernando Roberto Martins. Day 27, at 14 pm, in room IB-11.

“The amphipod fauna associated with ursorpa racemosa (Forsskal), J Agardh, 1872, on two beaches on the north coast of the State of São Paulo” (master’s degree). Candidate: Guilherme Henrique de Aguirre. Advisor: professor Flávio Antônio dos Santos. Day 27, at 9 am, in the IB thesis defense room.

“The rarity of tree species in the dense Atlantic rainforest: a metadata study” (PhD). Candidate: Alessandra Nasser Caiafa. Advisor: professor Fernando Roberto Martins. Day 28, at 13:30 pm, in the IB congregation room.

Computing - “PBIW: a standards-based coding scheme for instruction” (master’s degree). Candidate: Rafael Fernandes Batistella. Advisor: professor Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. Day 28, at 16 pm, in room 1 in the IC auditorium.

Economy - “Cédula da Terra Program: a reinterpretation of the main results” (master’s degree). Candidate: Fernando de Lima. Advisor: professor Antonio Marcio Buainain. Day 25, at 9 am, in room IE-23.

“Foreign direct investment: reflections on support policies and their determinants” (PhD). Candidate: Rodrigo Coelho Sabbatini. Advisor: professor Mariano Francisco Laplane. Day 25, at 14 pm, in room IE-23.

Education - “Training policies for imprisoned workers - Funap” (master’s degree). Candidate: Marilsa Fátima Fávaro. Advisor: Professor Newton Antônio Paciulli Bryan. February 26, 2008, at 14 pm, in the FE thesis defense room.

PE - “Daily (in)physical activity: processes and social changes in Terena indigenous society (master’s degree). Candidate: Aluísio Fernandes de Souza. Advisor: professor Maria Beatriz Rocha Ferreira. Day 25, at 9:30 am, in the FEF congregation room.

“Block prioritization system: effects of a training model on the performance of high-level sprint swimmers” (PhD). Candidate: Paulo Cezar da Silva Marinho. Advisor: professor Orival Andries Junior. Day 25, at 14 pm, in the FEF congregation room.

“Study on yellow and red cards applied to the home team and non-home team of the game by the football referee” (master’s degree). Candidate: Vanessa Belíssimo. Advisor: professor Antônio Carlos de Moraes. 28th, at 14pm, in the FEF congregation room.

Food Engineering - “Development and optimization of films made from Quinoa grain derivatives” (doctorate). Candidate: Patrícia Cecília Araújo Farro. Advisor: professor Florência Cecília Menegalli. Day 25, at 9 am, in room 31 at FEA.

“Application of polymeric membranes in the sunflower oil degumming process” (PhD). Candidate: César de Morais Coutinho. Advisor: professor Lireny Aparecida Guaraldo Gonçalves. Day 25, at 14 pm, in auditorium II of DTA/FEA.

“Obtention of long-chain fatty alcohol concentrate from saponified and acidulated sugarcane wax” (master’s degree). Candidate: Andréia Letícia Paixão. Advisor: professor Daniel Barrera Arellano. 26th, at 9 am, in the DTA/FEA meat auditorium.

“Dietary and nutritional assessment of postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density. Effect on bone metabolism of dietary supplementation with collagen hydrolyzate” (PhD). Candidate: Florência Cúneo. Advisor: professor Jaime Amaya Farfán. Day 26, at 9 am, in the Depan/FEA auditorium.

“Rheological and thermal behavior of sodium amaranth starch-caseinate systems: effect of sugar addition and acidification time” (PhD). Candidate: Angela Maria Gozzo. Advisor: professor Florência Cecília Menegalli. February 26th, at 9:30 am, in room 31 at FEA.

“Rheological study of amaranth and cassava starch and their mixtures, soil acidity conditions and heat treatment” (PhD). Candidate: Lizielle Maria Ricardo Guerreiro. Advisor: professor Florência Cecília Menegalli. Day 26, at 14 pm, in room 31 at FEA.

“Influence of ionizing radiation (60Co) on the maintenance of the physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial quality of chicken thigh and breast fillet cuts packaged in different packaging systems” (PhD). Candidate: Luciana Miyagusku. Advisor: professor Arnaldo Yoshiteru Kuaye. Day 26, at 9 am, in the DTA/FEA auditorium.

“Distillate from the deodorization of soybean oil as a vitamin E supplement” (PhD). Candidate: Cibelem Iribarrem Benites. Advisor: professor Admar Costa de Oliveira. 27th, at 9:30 am, in the FEA main hall.

“Macro and microscopic properties of k-carrageenan milk protein gels” (PhD). Candidate: Katiuchia Pereira Takeuchi. Advisor: professor Rosiane Lopes da Cunha. Day 27, at 14 pm, in room 31 of the DEA/FEA.

“Effect of the transglutaminase enzyme on the antigenicity of ²-lactoglobulin” (master’s degree). Candidate: Mariana Battaglin Villas Bôas. Advisor: professor Flávia Maria Netto. On the 28th, at 14 pm, in the FEA main hall.

“Comparative study between manufacturing costs and functional properties of volatile oils obtained by supercritical extraction and steam distillation” (PhD). Candidate: Patrícia Franco Leal. Advisor: professor Maria Ângela de Almeida Meireles. Day 29, at 10 am, in the FEA main hall.

Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning - “Method for sewage treatment and production of reused water: anaerobic filter combined with sand filter and denitrification reactor” (PhD). Candidate: Adriano Luiz Tonetti. Advisor: professor Bruno Coraucci Filho. 25th, at 14 pm, in the FEC thesis defense room.

“Study of metal removal by cultured beds using X-ray fluorescence by total reflection with synchroton radiation” (PhD). Candidate: Sebastião Avelino Neto. Advisor: professor Silvana Moreira. 29th, at 14 pm, in the FEC thesis defense room.

Mechanical Engineering - “Development of in-situ high temperature deformation test in SEM and its application in the study of the phenomenon of fracture due to drop in ductility in Ni alloys” (master’s degree). Candidate: Edwar Andrés Torres López. Advisor: professor Antonio José Ramirez. Day 25, at 9 am, at FEM.

Physical - “Study of the electronic structure and optical properties of copolymers formed by Vinylenes and Thiophene Rings” (PhD). Candidate: Nei Marçal. Advisor: professor Bernardo Laks. Day 27, at 14 pm, in the IFGW postgraduate auditorium.

“Trajectory integrals in the representation of coherent states” (PhD). Candidate: Luis Coelho dos Santos. Advisor: professor Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar. February 28, 2008, at 10 am, in the IFGW postgraduate auditorium.

“Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of thin films of magnetic materials” (PhD). Candidate: Alexandre Abdalla Araújo. Advisor: professor Bernardo Laks. Day 28, at 14 pm, in the IFGW postgraduate auditorium.

“Study on annealing of fission traces in apatites of different chemical compositions and on faces without preferential crystallographic orientation” (PhD). Candidate: Pedro Augusto Franco Moreira. Advisor: professor Pedro José Iunes. Day 29, at 14 pm, in the IFGW postgraduate auditorium.

Geosciences - “Integration and spatial analysis of data for the generation of prospective models of gold mineralization in the Amapari-Amapá region” (master’s degree). Candidate: Lucíola Alves Magalhães. Advisor: professor Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. Day 25, at 14 pm, in the IG auditorium.

“Changes in the form of occupation of urban space in Valinhos-SP: the expansion of gated condominiums” (master’s degree). Candidate: Veridiana Lima da Silva. Advisor: professor Regina Célia dos Santos. 27th, at 14pm, on IG.

“Implications of the technological activities of multinational subsidiaries for the creation of innovative capabilities of suppliers in the Brazilian automotive industry” (PhD). Candidate: Rubia Auxiliadora Constâncio Quintão. Advisor: Professor Ruy de Quadros Carvalho. Day 28, at 14 pm, in the IG auditorium.

“Living at risk: mobility and vulnerability in the metropolitan experience” (doctorate). Candidate: Eduardo José Marandola Júnior. Advisor: professor Daniel Joseph Hogan. Day 29, at 14 pm, in the IG auditorium.

Humanities - “Annotated translation of the work written by Ascanio Condivi: life of Michelangelo Buonarroti” (master’s degree). Candidate: Marina Jorge Berriel. Advisor: professor Luiz César Marques Filho. Day 25, at 10 am, in the IFCH postgraduate theses room.

“The feminization of old age and the invisibility of violence against the elderly. A study on the care of elderly people in police stations” (master’s degree). Candidate: Amanda Marques de Oliveira. Advisor: professor Guita Grin Debert. 25th, at 14 pm, in the IFCH thesis defense room.

“The painting Apparition of the Baby Jesus to Saint Anthony of Padua by Francisco de Zurbarán at MASP” (master’s degree). Candidate: Christine Gisele Decarli Del Fabbro. Advisor: professor Luciano Migliaccio. 25th, at 14pm, in the IFCH screening room.

“Between unions, clubs and bars. Identities, associations and leisure of São Paulo workers - 1890-1920” (doctorate). Candidate: Patricia Vargas Lopes de Araújo. Advisor: professor Maria Stella Martins Bresciani. 25th, at 14 pm, in the IFCH theses room.

“The Brazilian development crisis: external debt, conditionalities and relations with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (1974-1987)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Henrique Zeferino de Menezes. Advisor: professor Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes. 26th, at 10 am, at IFCH.

“The international exhibition of the centenary of independence: modernity and politics in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1920s” (master’s degree). Candidate: Thais Rezende da Silva de San'Ana. Advisor: professor Edgar Salvadori De Decca. Day 26, at 14:30 pm, in the IFCH video room.

“Furniture and household utensils in Campinas homes (1850-1900)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Eliane Morelli Abrahão. Advisor: professor José Alves de Freitas Neto. 27th, at 9:30 am, at IFCH.

“Children of men: The introduction of fish farming among indigenous populations in the village of Iauaretê, Rio Uaupés” (master’s degree). Candidate: André Martini. Advisor: professor Nádia Farage. Day 27, at 9:30 am, in the IFCH thesis defense room.

“Campinas, its districts and their divisions: political-territorial differentiation and reorganization of the population in space (1850-2000)” (doctorate). Candidate: Cláudia Gomes de Siqueira. Advisor: professor Rosana Aparecida Baeninger. 28th, at 14pm, in IFCH auditorium II.

“André Thevet: a traveling cosmographer in Brazil” (master’s degree). Candidate: Viviane Roberta Wolf Cattozzi. Advisor: professor Paulo Celso Miceli. Day 28, at 10 am, in the IFCH congregation room.

“Opera and historical representation in the work of Carlos Gomes” (master’s degree). Candidate: Denise Scandarolli Inácio. Advisor: professor Edgar Salvadori De Decca. 28th, at 14 pm, in the IFCH projection room.

“Remaking families: family trajectories of remarried men” (doctorate). Candidate: Gláucia dos Santos Marcondes. Advisor: professor Maria Coleta Ferreira Albino de Oliveira. Day 29, at 14:30 pm, in the IFCH congregation room.

“The city of São Paulo on a “human scale”: Luiz de Anhaia Mello and his proposal for active and organized recreation” (master’s degree). Candidate: Jhoyce Póvoa Timóteo. Advisor: professor Maria Stella Martins Bresciani. 29th, at 14 pm, in the IFCH thesis defense room.

“Notions of 'modern' in Foto-cine Clube Bandeirante: photography in São Paulo (1948-1951)” (master's degree). Candidate: Vanessa Lenzini. Advisor: professor Iara Lis Franco Schiavinatto. Day 29, at 14 pm, in room 13-A at IFCH.

Language - “Official diplomatic contact relations Brazil/Germany for the preservation of the environment and quality of life: a study on the places of dialogue occupied by Brazilians and Germans, based on the configuration of specific needs” (master’s degree). Candidate: Ian Oliveira de Assis Advisor: professor Carmen Zink Bolonhini. 25th, at 11 am, at IEL.

“Interaction and metageneric knowledge in the context of receiving media narratives” (master’s degree). Candidate: Vivian Cristina Rio. Advisor: professor Anna Christina Bentes da Silva. Day 25, at 14 pm, in the IEL screen room.

“Aspects of the grammatical history of Portuguese: interpretation, negation and change” (doctorate). Candidate: Cristiane Namiuti Tempori. Advisor: professor Charlotte Galvez. On the 25th, at 14 pm, in the IEL collegiate room.

“Teachers and their writing: the training memorial discursive genre” (doctorate). Candidate: Adriane Teresinha Sartori. Advisor: professor Raquel Salek Fiad. 26th, at 9 am, in the IEL screen room.

“Writing intervention. A study of the political-enunciative in the institutionalization of modern linguistics in Brazil” (doctorate). Candidate: Wilton James Bernardo dos Santos. Advisor: professor Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães. 26th, at 10 am, at IEL.

“koenkunoe emo'u - the language of the Kinikinau” (doctorate). Candidate: Ilda de Souza. Advisor: professor Maria Filomena Sandalo. 26th, at 14 pm, at IEL.

“The king of cangaço, the general of the northeast, the governor of the backlands, the daring bandit of the backlands, the evil bandit, the famous bandit: referential processes in the construction of social memory about Lampião” (doctorate). Candidate: Geralda de Oliveira Santos Lima. Advisor: professor Anna Christina Bentes da Silva 26th, at 14 pm, in the IEL collegiate room.

“Memory and (lack of) attention: a neurolinguistic study” (master’s degree). Candidate: Noeli Lobo Costa Marcolino. Advisor: professor Maria Irma Hadler Coudry. Day 26, at 14 pm, in the IEL classroom CL 15.

“Enunciation and representation: in the context of Diretas Já” (doctorate). Candidate: Edileusa Gimenes Moralis. Advisor: professor Eduardo Guimarães. Day 27, at 9 am, in the IEL theses room.

“Privatize to make public: an analysis of the discourse on the privatization of telecommunications in newspapers” (doctorate). Candidate: Fernando Felício Pachi Filho. Advisor: professor Suzy Maria Agazzi Rodrigues. 27th, at 9 am, in the IEL screen room.

“Ainore boe egore: a descriptive study of the Bororo language and consequences for case and concordance theory” (master’s degree). Candidate: Rafael Bezerra Nonato. Advisor: professor Maria Filomena Spatti. 27th, at 14pm, at IEL.

“Intertextuality and polyphony in public and private television: textual-discursive analysis of the television news programs Cultura Noite (TV Cultura) and Jornal Nacional (TV Globo)” (doctorate). Candidate: Adriana Tigre Lacerda Nilo. Advisor: professor Anna Christina Bentes da Silva. 27th, at 14pm, in the IEL auditorium.

“Spectacular control on the covers of Veja magazine: a discursive analysis” (master’s degree). Candidate: Elissandro Martins Inácio. Advisor: Professor Jonas de Araújo Romualdo. 27th, at 14 pm, in the IEL collegiate room.

“Paths and obstacles to the success of digital pedagogical forums” (master’s degree). Candidate: Mário Luiz Nunes Alves. Advisor: professor Denise Bertoli Braga. Day 28, at 9 am, at IEL.

“Arts that locumque: narrative space in book V of Ovid’s Metamorphoses” (master’s degree). Candidate: Mariana Musa de Paula e Silva. Advisor: professor Isabella Tardin Cardoso. On the 28th, at 10 am, in the IEL thesis defense room.

“A dilettante at university: history and literary criticism in Alexandre Eulálio” (master’s degree). Candidate: Fábio Della Easter Rodrigues. Advisor: professor Antonio Arnoni Prado. Day 28, at 10 am, in the big screen room at IEL.

“We don't want to be traditional, but... how do you do it, then? Curricular innovation and the popularized debate on the Portuguese language” (doctorate). Candidate: Clara Dornelles. Advisor: professor Inês Signorini. On the 28th, at 14 pm, in the IEL thesis defense room.

“Poetics of immanence: Ana Cristina César and Marcos Siscar” (doctorate). Candidate: Annita Costa Malufe. Advisor: professor Márcio Seligmann. On the 28th, at 14 pm, in the IEL screen room.

“Dramatic trilogy of the Spanish land, by Frederico Garcia Lorca: translation as a process and as a result” (doctorate). Candidate: Luciana Ferrari Montemezzo. Advisor: professor Orna Messer Levin. 28th, at 14pm, at IEL.

“Versions of a television news language ritual” (master’s degree). Candidate: Renata Marcelle Lara Pimentel. Advisor: professor Suzy Maria Lagazzi Rodrigues. 28th, at 14pm, at IEL.

“Relative sentences in Brazilian Portuguese: syntactic aspects and acquisition facts” (doctorate). Candidate: Adriana Stella Cardoso Lessa de Oliveira. Advisor: professor Jairo Morais Nunes. 28th, at 14pm, in the IEL auditorium.

“The defense of Palamedes and its articulation with the treatise on non-being, by Gorgias” (master’s degree). Candidate: Josiane Teixeira Martinez. Advisor: professor Flávio Ribeiro de Oliveira. 28th, at 14:30 pm, at IEL.

“Turning the game: an analysis of video games from a critical discursive perspective” (master’s degree). Candidate: Luiz Henrique Magnani Xavier de Lima. Advisor: professor Denise Bertoli Braga. 28th, at 14:30 pm, at IEL.

“Vocabulary in reading: points of view of teachers and students revealed by the methodology” (doctorate). Candidate: Andréa Barros de Carvalho. Advisor: professor Linda Gentry El Dash. Day 29, at 9:30 am, in the IEL thesis defense room.

“Habitual appearance advps as inherent modalizers: a translinguistic study” (master’s degree). Candidate: Aquiles Tescari Neto. Advisor: professor Sonia Maria Lazzarini Cyrino. On the 29th, at 14 pm, in the IEL thesis defense room.

“Nationalist ideas seen and represented in the chronicles of Revista Popular (1859-1862)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Marcella dos Santos Abreu. Advisor: professor Luiz Carlos da Silva Dantas. Day 29, at 14 pm, at IEL.

“The philosopher and the wolf - philosophy and rhetoric in Plato’s Gorgias” (doctorate). Candidate: Daniel Rossi Nunes Lopes. Advisor: professor Trajano Agusto Ricca Vieira. On the 29th, at 14 pm, in the IEL collegiate room.

“The bucolic ingenuity of the 29th century” (doctorate). Candidate: Cássio Roberto Borges da Silva. Advisor: professor Antonio Alcir Bernardez Pécora. Day 14, at XNUMX pm, in the IEL auditorium.

Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing - “Ordering algorithms in ordering value optimization” (master’s degree). Candidate: André Luis Trevisan. Advisor: professor José Mário Martinez. Day 25, at 10 am, in room 121 at Imecc.

“Weak stability of Lagrangian solutions of semigeostrophic equations” (PhD). Candidate: Josiane Cristina de Oliveira Faria. Advisor: professor Helena Judith Nussenzveig Lopes. Day 25, at 10 am, in room 253 at Imecc.

“The Hamiltonian structure of reversible fields in 4D” (master’s degree). Candidate: Ricardo Miranda Martins. Advisor: professor Marco Antonio Teixeira. February 25th, at 14 pm, in room 253 at Imecc.

“Risk measures in portfolio optimization” (master’s degree). Candidate: Luís Felipe Cesar da Rocha Bueno. Advisor: professor José Mário Martinez. Day 25, at 14 pm, in room 121 at Imecc.

“Twisted representations and quivers” (master’s degree). Candidate: Daniela Moura Prata. Advisor: professor Marcos Benevenuto Jardim. 26th, at 14 pm, in room 253 at Imecc.

“Lagrange multipliers: geometric, algebraic, historical aspects and an application in chemical engineering in the distillation of methanol” (master’s degree). Candidate: Súzan Grazielli Benetti from Padua. Advisor: professor Sandra Augusta Santos. Day 28, at 10 am, in room 253 at Imecc.

“Optimization of distillation columns: an applied approach to Lagrange multipliers” (master’s degree). Candidate: Diego Piasson. Advisor: professor Sandra Augusta Santos. 28th, at 14pm, in room 321 at Imecc.

Medicine - “Comparison of the effects of the expiratory flow increase technique and conventional physiotherapeutic techniques on cardiorespiratory parameters of infants with acute viral bronchiolitis” (master's degree). Candidate: Melissa Karina Pupin. Advisor: professor Emilio Carlos Elias Baracat. Day 26, at 9 am, in the Ciped/FCM auditorium.

“The role of the pediatrician at PSF-Paidéia de Campinas-SP” (master’s degree). Candidate: Paulo Vicente Bonilha Almeida. Advisor: professor Maria de Lurdes Zanolli. Day 27, at 8:30 am, in the Ciped/FCM auditorium.

“Facing medicalization through pedagogical work” (master’s degree). Candidate: Ynayah Souza de Araújo Teixeira. Advisor: professor Maria Aparecida Affonso Moyses. Day 27, at 10 am, at the Ciped/FCM amphitheater.

“Bilestone disease in patients with sickle cell disease description of clinical characteristics in children” (master’s degree). Candidate: Ana Paula dos Santos Gumiero. Advisor: professor Elizete Aparecida da Costa Pinto. Day 27, at 14 pm, in the Ciped/FCM auditorium.

“Laila’s trajectory in the AMA. Intertwined stories” (Doctorate). Candidate: Ângela Terezinha Zuchetto. Advisor: professor Maria Aparecida Affonso Moyses. 28th, at 14pm, at the Ciped/FCM amphitheater

Dentistry - “Mechanisms involved in the hyperalgesic action of ATP in rats” (PhD). Candidate: Maria Cláudia Gonçalves de Oliveira. Advisor: professor Claudia Herrera Tambeli. Day 25, at 9 am, in the FOP congregation room.

“Presence of teeth in adults and elderly people in the State of São Paulo” (doctorate). Candidate: Débora Dias da Silva. Advisor: professor Maria da Luz Rosário de Sousa. Day 25, at 9 am, in amphitheater 4 at FOP.

“Expression of type I collagen, mmp-2, mmp-8, mmp-14 and timps in the periodontal ligament of rat incisors under normal and altered functional conditions” (PhD). Candidate: Cristiane Ribeiro Salmon. Advisor: professor Pedro Duarte Novaes. 26th, at 13:30 pm, at FOP.

“Electromyographic evaluation of the masseter, anterior temporal and digastric muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders, treated with occlusal appliances and rehabilitated with upper total and lower removable partial prostheses” (PhD). Candidate: Giuliana Zanatta Braido. Advisor: professor Wilkens Aurélio Buarque e Silva. Day 26, at 9 am, at FOP.

“Expression of members of Loci A and D of the hox family of homeobox genes in oral tissues of normal mucosa and squamous cell carcinoma” (master’s degree). Candidate: Carolina Cavalcanti Bitu. Advisor: professor Ricardo Della Coletta. Day 27, at 9 am, at the FOP amphitheater.

“Implant-retained fixed prostheses: influence of the intermediate abutment and ceramic firing cycles on the misfits and tensions induced in the fixations” (master’s degree). Candidate: Vanessa Silva Tramontino. Advisor: professor Guilherme Elias Pessanha Henriques. Day 27, at 9 am, at FOP.

“The nucleus accumbens and the periaqueductal gray modulate chronic and acute inflammatory hyperalgesia in rats in different ways” (master’s degree). Candidate: Priscila Tiemi Kawashita. Advisor: professor Adriana Pelegrine da Silva. Day 27, at 9 am, in the FOP semiology room.

“Analysis of the expression of KI-67, P53, MCM2 and MCM5 in proliferative verrucous leukoplakia” (master’s degree). Candidate: Adriele Ferreira Gouvêa. Advisor: professor Marcio Ajudarte Lopes. 27th, at 14 pm, in FOP amphitheater 0.

“Degradation of the bonding interface using different adhesive systems in endodontically treated primary and permanent teeth - in vitro study” (master’s degree). Candidate: Patrícia Sacramento. Advisor: professor Regina Maria Puppin Rontani. Day 27, at 14 pm, at FOP.

“Influence of storage media and times on the microtensile strength of adhesive systems” (master’s degree). Candidate: Leonardo Vieira de Oliveira. Advisor: professor José Roberto Lovadino. 28th, at 9 am, at FOP.

“Level of knowledge of students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba regarding the care of patients with cardiovascular diseases” (master’s degree). Candidate: Ivy Nunes Vieira da Silva Tofolo. Advisor: professor Eduardo Dias de Andrade. 28th, at 9 am, at FOP.

“Assessment of the relationship between marginal infiltration and caries adjacent to dental restorations” (PhD). Candidate: Maximiliano Sérgio Cenci. Advisor: professor Jaime Aparecido Cury. 28th, at 13:30 pm, at FOP.

“Effect of fluoride on the supramolecular organization of the organic matrix of tooth enamel in mice” (master’s degree). Candidate: Marcos Roberto dos Santos Frozoni. Advisor: professor Sérgio Roberto Peres Line. Day 29, at 8:30 am, at FOP.

“Clinico-pathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of head and neck spindle cell carcinoma” (master’s degree). Candidate: Mário José Romanach Gonzalez Sobrinho. Advisor: professor Fábio Ramoa Pires. Day 29, at 9 am, in amphitheater 3 at FOP.

“In vitro and in situ effect of starch and its combination with sucrose on biofilm composition and in situ demineralization of root dentin” (PhD). Candidate: Carolina Patrícia Aires. Advisor: professor Jaime Aparecido Cury. Day 29, at 13:30 pm, at FOP.

“Morphological analysis and mineral content of radiation caries. Study using polarized light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy” (master’s degree). Candidate: Alan Roger dos Santos Silva. Advisor: professor Marcio Lopes. Day 29, at 14 pm, in amphitheater 3 at FOP.

“Cutaneous-mucosal hyalinosis: clinical-laboratory study and hla specificities” (doctorate). Candidate: Marcelo Rodrigues. Advisor: professor Heron Fernando de Souza Gonzaga. Day 29, at 14 pm, at FOP.

“Oral health related to quality of life in children” (master’s degree). Candidate: Tais de Souza Barbosa. Advisor: professor Maria Beatriz Duarte Gavião. Day 29, at 14 pm, at FOP.

Chemistry - “Optimization of extraction, sterilization and identification of anthocyanins obtained from fruits” (master’s degree). Candidate: Patrícia Gisela Sampaio. Advisor: professor Adriana Vitorino Rossi. Day 25, at 9 am, in the IQ mini-auditorium.

“Evaluation and characterization of systems based on point cloud aiming at the removal of Albumin in Blood Plasma” (master’s degree). Candidate: Marcelo Anselmo da Silva. Advisor: professor Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda. 25th, at 14pm, in the IQ mini-auditorium.

“Teaching Chemistry – alternatives to thermochemistry in high school” (master’s degree). Candidate: João Rogério Miraldo. Advisor: professor José de Alencar Simoni. Day 25, at 14 pm, in room E-312 at IQ.

“Development of low-cost equipment to implement the ASTM D 1209-00 method” (master’s degree). Candidate: Luciana Foltram Martins. Advisor: professor Adriana Vitorino Rossi. 26th, at 14 pm, in the IQ mini-auditorium.

“Geochemical studies with paleoenvironmental evidence, maturation and biodegradation of oils of different origins from the Estreito-Guamaré, Potiguar Basin, Brazil. Synthesis of sterol-derived biomarkers” (PhD). Candidate: Alexsandro Araújo da Silva. Advisor: professor Luzia Koike. Day 27, at 9 am, in the IQ mini auditorium.

“Preparation of SiO2 zirconium phosphate (IV) by the sol-gel processing method: characterization and properties” (PhD). Candidate: Victor Luís Leidens. Advisor: professor Yoshitaka Gushikem. Day 29, at 14 pm, in the IQ mini-auditorium.


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