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Book of the Week

Family farming and technological innovation in Brazil
Features, challenges and obstacles

Coordination: Antonio Márcio Buainain

Synopsis: This volume from the Agriculture, Institutions and Sustainable Development collection presents a discussion on the future of family farming and the obstacles faced for technological innovation, which range from the generation of technologies to the micro and macro determinants of their adoption. The authors recognize the economic and social importance of family farming and argue that technological innovation has a dual role: at the same time as it reduces the competitive advantages that in the past allowed at least part of family farming to prosper, it can be used to enhance aspects positive and allow these producers to occupy new spaces in increasingly competitive markets. That's the challenge!

ISBN: 978-85-268- 0759-4

Technical sheet: 1st edition, 240 pages, format 16 X 23 cm – Price: R$ 40,00

Visit the bookstores of Unicamp Publisher in the Central Library building - Phone: 3521-7030 and in the IEL building - Phone 3521-4140

Purchase new releases and reissues with a 40% discount in our bookstores. Valid only during the first month of launch.


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2008 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP