Twork carried out in the Hospital Cancer Registry (RHC) of the Hospital de Clínicas (HC) readjusted and expanded the database of cancer patients treated at the Unicamp HC. The RHC was established in 2000 by the Ministry of Health and has the force of Normative Law. According to the ordinance, all High Complexity Centers and hospitals that care for cancer patients must report new cases, as well as their follow-up over time. , to the São Paulo Oncocentro Foundation (FOSP).
According to Regina Sagarra, who took over supervision of the service three years ago, until 2005, the HC had only three thousand registered cases with records or follow-ups that were sometimes inadequate, which did not satisfactorily represent a large hospital. The registered cases were reviewed and the new cases, as well as their follow-ups, were also reviewed.
“Today, our database already has 9.500 registered cases of patients treated at the HC outpatient clinics, the Hemocentro and the Gastrocentro”, explained Regina.
Regina recalled that the RHC is a registry that is the responsibility of the hospital and not the oncology service. However, as the oncologist has extensive training, which allows him to move through all areas of diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients with ease, at the time it was thought that oncology would be the specialty that would best meet the conditions to organize this database. .
To transform an unsatisfactory database into a satisfactory one based on the RHC data already available, Regina created a trend line model to determine the number of new cases and patient follow-ups that should be registered in the service per period of time.
The success of this work and the achievement of the established goals are due, in Regina's opinion, to the work of registrars Ângela Santos and Stella Langone. Today, the system adopted at HC for registering cancer patients is a reference and model for other hospitals in the Campinas region.
The system also serves as a tool for evaluating the quality of public service. One of the mandatory fields to be filled in is the date on which the patient was first seen at Unicamp due to cancer. And the second mandatory field is the date of cancer diagnosis.
“The interval established by the two dates is the time needed to diagnose the tumor. In general, the shorter the diagnosis time, the better the quality of the service”, explained Regina.
The data also constitute auxiliary tools in managing public spending on various care services for cancer patients, by identifying which type of cancer predominates in each of them.
Regina received an honorable mention for her work “Importance of strategic planning in enabling the Hospital Cancer Registry (RHC) at the Hospital das Clínicas da Unicamp: from bad to good”, presented during the IV Meeting of Hospital Cancer Registries in the State of São Paulo of the São Paulo Oncocentro Foundation (FOSP), which took place in 2007, in the city of Santos, São Paulo.
“The work carried out by Regina made it possible to restructure the Unicamp HC RHC and transformed it into a reference service for the region”, confirmed Carmen.
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