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Scientists are awarded
in Brazil and abroad


Medical student Gabriela Góes Yamaguti: awards in Brazil, Austria and the United States (Photo: Antoninho Perri)A Assessment of the roles of genetic polymorphisms in tumors is not new. However, most international studies are sectorized and restricted to the countries of origin of the research. What makes the work of the Cancer Genetics Laboratory different is the Brazilian population. Composed of different ethnicities, the mixing of races allowed the group's researchers to obtain data that is specific to the region and perhaps the country. Furthermore, Campinas is a highly industrialized city where “two first world diseases” can be seen: breast cancer and leukemia.

In 2005, the Cancer Genetics Laboratory team was invited to participate in the “International Collaborative Group on Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Carcinogens (GSEC)”, which includes the groups “Unit of Environmental Cancer Epidemiology (IARC)”, from France; “Epidemiologic and Biostatistics Program (NCI)”, from the United States and “University degli Studi di Torino Servizio di Epidemiologia dei Tumori”, from Italy and insert the results obtained in studies of gene polymorphisms and cancer risk in individuals from the Brazilian population.

“These results will be evaluated together with those from other countries around the world to verify the roles of specific gene polymorphisms in the risk of cancer in the world population”, explained Carmen.

For her research “Important influence of the C609T polymorphisms of the NQO1 and T6235C and A4889G genes and the CYP1A1 gene on susceptibility to acute myeloid leukemia”, Gabriela won the Adolfo Lutz award, from the XV Unicamp Academic Congress (CoMAU) and the Lopes de Faria award, granted by FCM to scientific initiation students in 2006. It also received an honorable mention, granted by the Scientific Committee of the XV Internal Congress of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (Pibic) and best work in the “Free Theme” category, granted by Scientific Committee of the XV Brazilian Congress of Clinical Oncology, in 2007.

Gabriela also received the “Travel Award”, granted by the Scientific Committee of the “12nd Congress of the European Haematology Association” held in Vienna, Austria, in 2006 and the “Travel Award”, granted by the Scientific Committee of the “American Society of Hematology” during its 49th Annual Meeting, held in Atlanta, United States, in 2007.

Gustavo received the “Travel Award” granted by the Scientific Committee of the “31st Congress of the European Society of Medical Oncology”, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2006, for the work entitled “High risk of occurrence of sporadic breast cancer in individuals with the D104N polymorphism of the COL18A1 gene.”

He also received, in November 2007, from the Escola Paulista de Medicina, during the XXVI Brazilian Congress of Clinical Pathology, held in Bento Gonçalves, the honorable mention for the work “Microvessel density in patients with breast cancer and polymorphism of the gene encoding endostatin.”

“Oncology is already showing signs of growth in care, teaching and research. I hope that, in a short time, researchers from the dentistry, nutrition, psychology and all other areas that make up the specialty's multidisciplinary care will also deserve to be highlighted for their work”, concluded Carmen.

HC service expands database

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PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2008 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP