Previous editions | Press room | PDF version | Unicamp Portal | Subscribe to JU | Edition 218 - June 30th to July 06th, 2003
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Money laundry
Debret: from brush to pen
Holography: Photonic Crystals

Critical Consciousness

Animal food
History in backpacks
Unicamp in the Press
Panel of the Week
Job opportunities
Theses of the Week
Crustaceans and their Habitat


Unicamp in the Press

Folha de S. Paul

June 24 - Motherhood is the main reason for hospitalization of young people in the country. Last year, around 1.700 births were carried out per day of girls aged ten to 19 years old, which represented 26% of total births, according to data from the Ministry of Health. This age group — up to 19 years old — was also the only one that presented increase in the fertility rate in the last decade in the five regions of the country, says demographer Elza Berquó, researcher at the Center for Population Studies at Unicamp, who cross-referenced the 1991 and 2000 censuses on Brazilian fertility.

June 22 - “We congratulate the rector of Unicamp, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, for his courageous and lucid article “The public university and Social Security” (“Trends/ Debates”, page A3, 20/6). Seduced, furthermore, by the promises and hopes of the Lula government, public opinion did not realize that the disqualification of civil servants and the dismantling of the public service were being prepared, especially in the field of education and research - which, of course, compromises any project of future. Doing justice to university professors, Brito Cruz competently dismantles the cheap demagogy of government discourse, defends the dignity of professors and warns of the harmful consequences of the “reform”. We urgently need hundreds, thousands of demonstrations like this.” Laymert Garcia dos Santos and Stella Senra (São Paulo, SP).

The State of S. Paul

June 22 - Representatives from Unicamp and the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa sign, on the 30th, at the Brazilian Embassy in Lisbon, an agreement that will have as its first consequence the creation of the Brazil/Portugal Chair in Social Sciences. The idea is, over an initial period of four years, to promote exchanges of teachers from both countries to hold courses and conferences on topics such as economic modernization, poverty and technological innovation, among others.

The Globe

June 22 - A worker, resident of a large city, struggles to complete high school. And he can't get a job. The explosion of unemployment in recent years was a phenomenon typically seen in metropolises. And it hit workers with complete or incomplete secondary education. A study by economist Waldir Quadros, from Unicamp, shows that, between 1992 and 2001, unemployment jumped from 8,6% to 12,1% of the Brazilian population.

IG Portal

June 18 - Unicamp is offering six thousand exemptions from paying the Registration Fee for candidates from low-income families. This year 5968 exemptions will be offered, more than double last year, when the offer was 2674.

June 23 - Since January this year, the Unified Health System (SUS) has been carrying out breast reconstruction surgeries for women who have had cancer. In Campinas, the Center for Comprehensive Attention to Women's Health (Caism) at Unicamp has been carrying out this same surgery for free since the beginning of the 90s, but previously carried out the operation with its own resources.

Popular Mail

June 23 - Unicamp researchers begin testing six substances on animal models constructed in the laboratories of the Institute of Chemistry (IQ) and which, depending on the toxicological results, could become potent synthetic sweeteners, with a sweetener content estimated at 1,4 thousand times greater than the sugar.

People's Daily

June 23 - Inhaled insulin or with prolonged effect in order to reduce the number of stings, in addition to new options for controlling blood glucose levels, are some of the new features for the treatment of diabetes presented at the 63rd Diabetes Scientific Meeting, held on 13 on June 17th in New Orleans, United States. Endocrinologist Marcos Tambascia, professor at Unicamp and who participated in the event, says that a constant concern of specialists is to discover alternative ways of applying insulin, to improve the quality of life of diabetics.


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2003 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP