Previous editions | Press room | PDF version | Unicamp Portal | Subscribe to JU | Edition 218 - June 30th to July 06th, 2003
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Money laundry
Debret: from brush to pen
Holography: Photonic Crystals

Critical Consciousness

Animal food
History in backpacks
Unicamp in the Press
Panel of the Week
Job opportunities
Theses of the Week
Crustaceans and their Habitat


Panel of the Week

Film – Until November, the organizing team of the Permanent Cinema Forum of the Interior of São Paulo will promote monthly meetings with renowned professionals from the Brazilian film industry, at 18 pm, at the Convention Center. Participation is free. This month the meeting takes place on the 26th (Thursday). The theme will be “Cinema production”, with the producer of Bicho 7 Cabeças e Carandiru, Fabiano Gulani. Information: (19) 3788-1736.

Restoration – The course on Introduction to the Restoration of Written Heritage: Prints, will be held until the 30th (Monday), at the Library of the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (Imecc). It will be taught by Dulce Fernandes Barata. Information on the website

Technical Lectures – The Logistics Study Group (GEL) promotes recycling lectures aimed at those interested in the area. On the 3rd (Thursday), the topic “The information technology revolution” will be discussed in the FEC Auditorium, in the new (blue) ground floor building. Opening hours: from 18:30 pm to 21 pm. Information:

Linux – Training: Introduction to Linux, offered by Núcleo Softex Campinas, in partnership with Dextra Sistemas. This is the first in a series of courses on the use and administration of Linux-based systems and networks. Days 3 and 4 (Thursday and Friday), from 8:30 am to 17:30 pm, at Softex Campinas - Estrada da Telebras/Unicamp. Information:

University Festival – The show “A Lição”, directed by Professor Matteo Bonfitto, is the only representative of Unicamp at the 17th Blumenau University Theater Festival which takes place from the 4th (Friday) to the 12th of July. The show is the result of the discipline Interpretation: Grammar of Physical Action I and has already traveled throughout the interior of São Paulo (through an agreement with Sesi), performed at the 3rd Festival of the Institute of Arts and also in the city of Volta Redonda.

Music on the radio – Landscape is the theme of the Programs carried out by Radio USP in collaboration with the Contemporary Music Documentation Center (CDMC) at Unicamp. Day 6 (Sunday), at 22 pm, on 93,7 MHz, Rádio USP FM (São Paulo), presents Lulu Pereira (trombonist). The musical selection, presentation, script, editing and editing by professor José Augusto Mannis. It can also be heard online:

Alca – Symposium on the current state of trade negotiations – WTO and FTAA: Challenges for Brazil and Mercosur. It takes place on the 4th and 6th of August, at Unicamp, organized by the Economic Diplomacy Program of the Center for the Study of International Economic Relations (CERI/IE), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Open to the participation of technicians, academics, negotiators, politicians, businesspeople and representatives of civil society, the event aims to evaluate the results of the negotiations being carried out at the WTO and within the scope of the creation of the FTAA. Both negotiations are in impasse situations that require strategic definitions of directions for Brazil and Mercosur. Information: 3788-5731, email:


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