Cyberspace houses the new universe of knowledge
Cyberspace is changing the paradigms of knowledge and information, becoming an important vector of democratization, access to work and personal development. The assessment is by Spanish professor Javier Bustamante Donas, from the Complutense University of Madrid, who currently holds a chair at the Geosciences Institute at Unicamp. Philosopher and amateur astronomer, Bustamante discovered a supernova in 1994. Pages 6 and 7
Violence and depredation scare the university
The events of July 2, when the Unicamp Rectory was invaded and vandalized by around 300 people who were participating in an event organized by Fórum das Seis, still resonate in the community. Seven doors were broken into (on the right), windows were broken and walls were sprayed with graffiti. On page 7, political scientist Walquiria Leão Rêgo (on the left), from IFCH, analyzes the recent “hooded phenomenon”, which is thriving today and now also affects universities. “In whose name do they speak? Who are they?” she asks. Pages 3 e 4
Cell phone interferes with
ICU equipment
Study shows that electromagnetic waves affect the functioning of equipment installed in ICUs, which can cause risks to patients. page 5
'Trash turns to gold' at Unicamp, says Pagu's son
Journalist and literary critic Geraldo Galvão Ferraz comments on the fact that waste picker Selma Sarti donated to Unicamp documents from her parents found in the trash in São Paulo.
A consortium for innovation projects
Unicamp is the first public university to develop innovation projects in partnership with companies in the Sector Consortia for Technological Innovation project.
Helping paraplegics, step by step
Rehabilitation program coordinated at HC by professor Alberto Cliquet Junior makes paraplegics begin to gain voluntary movements.