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Looks can be deceiving
Child's brain
Chemistry Institute
Mandarin 33
Dental arches
Diastolic changes
Teacher qualifications
Panel of the week
Book of the week
Unicamp in the media
Unicamp website
Street inhabitants


Unicamp in the media

National Journal

6th of July - A study carried out by the University of Campinas, São Paulo, will give Brazilians, for the first time, exact information about the nutrients in almost 500 foods that are part of our diet. In feijoada or with your daily rice. Beans are one of the hallmarks of Brazilian food. It brings health to the table due to the amount of iron.

Folha de S. Paul

8th of July - Even though it is the subject of disagreement from some sectors, such as representatives of private schools, the inclusion of philosophy and sociology in secondary education will lead to changes in entrance exams. According to the executive coordinator of Comvest (the committee that carries out Unicamp's entrance exams), Leandro Tessler, the decision will be the subject of discussions at the university. “Nothing will be changed suddenly, it needs to be debated. But I think the entrance exam cannot be far from contemporary high school,” he says. For Fuvest coordinator, Roberto Costa, the measure should be felt in the medium term. “I think the change will take some time to happen. These subjects need to assert themselves, so that they can then appear in the exams,” he says.

Popular Mail

9th of July - Cookies, cakes, pies, chips, cookies, ice cream, dairy products, margarine, packaged snacks. Supermarket shelves today are a modern version of the “Garden of Delights”. But be careful, all these flavors that have already been incorporated into the Brazilian diet hide dangers. “Many people think that because they are of vegetable origin, hydrogenated fats are 'good' fats, but this is a mistake”, warns food biochemist and head of the Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA) at Unicamp Gláucia Pastore. She explains that hydrogenation, an industrial process that transforms liquid vegetable oils into solid fat at room temperature, results in trans fat, which has harmful effects on health.

The State of S. Paul

10th of July - On Thursday, the Science Museum of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) will bring technological challenges to students at schools in the State. Named Oficina Desafio, it is a truck adapted with equipment and tools, such as saws, wrenches, pliers, and a sander. Trained monitors will encourage students, divided into teams, to find solutions to everyday problems. Schools that would like more information to schedule a visit can contact the project by email


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