The third book of the facts and heroic sayings of Bom Pantagruel
Francois Rabelais
Translation: Élide Valarini Oliver
In a translation that seeks, for the first time in Portuguese, to recreate the richness of Rabelais' Renaissance French, this is probably the most important book written by the author who manages to balance satire, comedy, parody and lyricism in perfect doses. The Third Book offers the reader not only an original script, but also a sample of what most characterizes the humanist spirit in its relentless thirst for knowledge. Encyclopedic like few other works, it provides the reader with a rare and unforgettable pleasure.
ISBN 85-268-0739-0 - Co-edition: Ateliê Editorial
Pages: 304 - Edition: 1 - Size: 18x27 cm.
Year: 2006 - Price: R$ 72,00
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