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Book uses simple and objective language to guide
readers about disease prevention and treatment

The best remedies
against cancer

AAlong with the new methods and drugs used by medicine, which are essential in cancer therapy, information also constitutes an essential element in tackling the disease. The analysis is by doctors Gilson Barreto and Alfio José Tincani, who have just written the book “The best remedies against cancer: knowledge and prevention”. The work, which was launched on July 28th, guides readers, in simple and objective language, on the different aspects related to the prevention and treatment of the disease. “Our objective is to provide data that can strengthen people in the face of an eventual positive diagnosis”, says Tincani, professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) at Unicamp.

After healing, a multinational executive brings up the idea for the publication

The idea for the book, according to the authors, was born from the realization that the majority of the population, as well as some health professionals, have little information about cancer. One of the biggest supporters of the work was an executive from a multinational in the Campinas region. For six months, he visited several dentists and doctors to try to solve a mouth problem. Everyone thought it was a cold sore, even though it was cancer. After the correct diagnosis and consequent cure of the disease, the patient suggested that his company invest in a publication that focused on cancer in a direct and didactic way. “We not only support the initiative, but we accept the challenge of producing the book”, says Barreto, director of the Paulínia Oncology Center.

The main concern of the authors, both oncological surgeons with more than 20 years of experience, was to associate the scientific rigor of the approaches with a language accessible to laypeople. Throughout the book they talk about the different types of cancer, available therapies, measures that help prevent the disease and even about the rights that the State reserves for patients. “Not many people know, for example, that a person with cancer can request redemption from their Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) to pay for treatment”, highlights Barreto.

Another precaution taken by the publication was to avoid images that could cause discomfort to readers. Thus, tumor photographs were reduced to the minimum necessary. The others are related to situations that refer to nature and quality of life. “People need to understand that a cancer diagnosis does not necessarily mean a death sentence. Currently, most cancers can be controlled or cured. It is obvious that early identification of the disease has a positive influence on treatment. That’s why it’s important for people to be aware of the transformations that occur in their body”, teaches Tincani.

Changing habits – Self-examination, doctors continue, is fundamental in this regard. Just as it is important that people change some habits that contribute to the emergence of cancer. “Quitting smoking, for example, is a more than intelligent attitude, since smoking contributes to the appearance of lung and mouth cancer, for example”, recalls Barreto. Oncological surgeons argue in the book that it is necessary to demystify the word cancer. “People naturally say that they are diabetic or have high blood pressure, but they have a lot of difficulty saying that they have cancer. However, accepting the illness and facing it head on is the best way to defeat it. This, it must be said, is entirely possible: currently, just to give you an idea, childhood cancers have a cure rate of between 70% and 80%”, says Tincani.

The book “The best medicines against cancer: knowledge and prevention” gains even greater importance if we consider the data that indicate that Brazil will have recorded, by the end of 2006, 470 thousand new cases of cancer, compared to 280 thousand registered in the year 2000. “A good strategy to try to reduce this number is to spread knowledge”, considers Barreto, with Tincani's acquiescence.


Title: “The best medicines against cancer: knowledge and prevention”
Authors: Gilson Barreto and
Alfio José Tincani
Number of pages: 134
Circulation: 10 thousand copies
Suggested price: R $ 29,90
Publisher: ARX



PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2006 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP